12 years ago
60 posts
How can I display all the genres entered as options? is there a way to display them under certain format? (Ex. show all the genres in a list with their specific link to show the artists under that genre)

updated by @maxcinsay: 12/31/13 02:03:20PM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Yes - this what you would use the "group_by" functionality of the jrCore_list for - i.e.

{capture name="tpl" assign="tpl"}
{foreach $_items as $item}

{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" group_by="audio_genre" order_by="audio_genre asc" template=$tpl limit=25000}

Put that in a file called "genres.tpl" in your active skin directory, then call it - i.e.

That should give you the basic idea to play around with.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
