Activity Log - JRAction Save

12 years ago
1,022 posts
I noticed I am seeing a bunch of these in my activity log. Any ideas?

jrAction_save() empty data results for: jrBlog/5405
jrAction_save() empty data results for: jrEvent/476
jrAction_save() empty data results for: jrAudio/15539
updated by @dazed: 12/21/13 01:31:41PM
12 years ago
10,148 posts
Yeah - this means when the action was being saved, the "data" that came in for it was empty so it could not create the action. I believe I may have added this message into your system for you a few days back when I was investigation the issues with your actions. There's some core fixes coming in the next day or so that should cut way down on when this happens.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom