Ning Import module Version 1.1.14 is now in the Marketplace.
As well as fixing a couple of bugs, this module has two new, and important features.
1) All Ning discussions not allocated to a group that have previously been imported to the Jamroom forum module can now optionally be imported as group discussions allocated to a specified group. Group discussions support threaded comments whereas the forum module does not.
2) The Delete Media tool, which is the final process of the Ning Import, now also moves the remaining Ning archive to the /data/media/0/0 folder. This has the effect of making the referenced files in the archive 'part' of the Jamroom install. This is particularly useful if you are using the jrBackup module to backup your Jamroom to the Amazon S3 cloud as the contents of the Ning archive will now also be included in that backup regime.
Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
updated by @paul: 03/11/15 09:19:46AM