solved Notifications

10 years ago
224 posts

Is there a possibility that one is informed if somebody a feedback on my song has written?

Does the possibility also insist on the fact that one is informed if somebody an answer to my feedback give has?

Like it is made with Facebook. One sees it on top in the menu a notification and can be informed when required, also via mail, in addition. However, at the same time I can also say, not follow this subject any more and to get therefore no more other informing.

Thank you very much!

updated by @bandwerkstatt: 02/24/15 04:59:50AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Yes - Each user has notification options in their profile settings for a variety of events, including when somebody comments on one of their items.
When on their profile page, click on the gear wheel icon, then on the 'notifications' tab.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
