New Ning To Jamroom Support Forum

11 years ago
10,149 posts
Just an update for those wondering why the Ning To Jamroom forum looks different, we've moved all Jamroom Project forums (which includes Ning To Jamroom) to our main The Jamroom Network profile, and all Ning To Jamroom posts are now in the "Ning To Jamroom" category.

As the number of projects has grown we've really needed to "centralize" our support so we can better handle questions coming in for all of our projects.

All posts that were in the previous Ning To Jamroom forum are now found here, and links to the old posts should redirect properly here.

Let us know if you have any questions.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 04/11/15 09:42:36PM
11 years ago
3,605 posts
It's great!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
34 posts
FYI....I have just been suspended from Ning Creators by Ning.
10 years ago
3,304 posts
for what?????????????

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
oh wait you were the 1 encouraging contacting the attorney general and starting legal actions against them/

i contacted them and left a long comment

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
10,149 posts
FYI....I have just been suspended from Ning Creators by Ning.

Ouch... sorry to hear that. Do you have a site there and did they suspend your site as well?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Yes Jeff's whole thread about filing legal complaint against Ning with the AttGen of calif is....GONE. I'm surprised it was allowed to remain as long as it did.

I posted a couple things in it just last night, so i'm kinda surprised I'm not suspended as well. =8-* SE's Jamroom thread is still there, as are my screenshots of my JR site in progress.
Frankly I'm amazed they don't pull all that down. I remember not too long ago when the Ning moderators told us we could have ONE thread about alternatives to Ning, but to keep talk about other platforms confined to that thread (the now really looong "Alternatives to Ning" thread which is still there and open). Now there are posts all over the place about Jamroom there on Creators.

I suggest we be cautious and helpful as opposed to simply bashing ning over and over in their own forum. Otherwise all our posts encouraging folks to check out JR will be gone (along with us). SE- we especially don't want YOUR JR posts to be wiped out- so even though you've now made the move and have little to lose by telling it like it is there...if you go too far all your threads and posts may be removed if they suspend you, and we want those to stay so others can hear about Jamroom there on Creators, follow the links and come check it out here.

I just want to help other ning network owners there realize they can migrate to JR successfully. But if we get TOO outspoken there they'll just suspend us and remove all our posts ...and that wouldn't be helping anyone very much. Besides, I still have a ways to go before I have my JR site ready to move into, so I still have a use for being on Creators in case I need help with something.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/19/15 07:45:37AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah that might be good :)

Frankly we want users to come to Jamroom because they want to, not because they feel like they don't have a choice and have to make a fast decision because of Ning. We know there are quite a few competing systems to Jamroom, so if anyone is thinking about coming to JR hopefully they come over here to our site and find out how Jamroom can help them and give us a shot.

Thanks for your support - it's appreciated :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,304 posts
well pressure from the attorney general at least got you banned..some reactions better then no reaction

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Jamroom has been featured on JenSocial -

I understand that Jen is a much read and respected Ningster. Is that correct?

Should I hazard posting a link to this on the creators forum?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
3,304 posts
jenns awesome yes
looks like you already did

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Paul -

As a member of the JR team I don't think it would be good politics for you to post the link. I saw that both SE and Strumelia have been active in the Ning alternatives fora, so maybe they (or me, or others who have made the leap) can do it.
10 years ago
3,304 posts
oh i think its fine on jenbsocial

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: looks like you already did

I haven't. Has someone else?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
3,304 posts
i see a blog there looks like you posted it there 7 am this morning or did u mean a link in that blog to this talk about them banning

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
oh i misread whoops u wanted to post a link to the blig on creatoirs
if so do it in my discussion dont start a new 1

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Right -

The link to Jen's Social needs to go in one of the Creator's Forum threads on Ning alternatives.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Yeah - Its my blog. Jen suggested that I should write one saying she would feature it.

Clay is probably right in that I shouldn't push it on creators, but if anyone else was to . . . ;-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
3,605 posts
You didn't? Maybe Sweet Potato featured something you wrote and out it on the JenSocial site?
In any case I commented on it.

I wish Jen herself would come here and set up a test site, so in the future option for her Ning customers who want to leave ning.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Here is a link to the original 'alternatives to ning' thread on Creators:

I would suggest that is a 'safe' place for us Creators to post about Jamroom rather than continue creating new threads about JR and possibly bringing the Wrath down upon us. lolol

Soaring, you should post a new post in THAT thread that links to the new blog post on Jen Social. It's be totally on topic and therefore safer.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
2,584 posts
If any cms anywhere is really using Wrath in order to survive, all users should bail out now and choose another cms instead.

I;d say Jamroom is the best that I have been lucky enough to find, and I love it. Brian and the team are sooooo far from Wrathful. Which is both nice and a requirement.

ning users are very loud though (from recent experience). If there were a hundred ning refugees here on posting long, long, vaguely confused and confusing threads I'd guess that it would have an impact on development - the support requests would all be answered, but there would be much less time for development.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
10 years ago
2,584 posts
Got to add...

Personally speaking, on occassion I do love a long, long, vaguely confused and confusing thread - sometimes they are the best. But on a daily basis it becomes a grind pretty quickly, especially when it is calculated to flood attention.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Another thing to keep in mind is that now John Bizley is here on JR building a test site (yay!- hi John!)- and he left Creators forums a few days ago and I believe deleted his hundreds of coding tips from there when he left. (though he seems to still have a profile there)

What this means is- John was probably the one person more than any other to post coding tips and work with people trying to make something out of their unfinished and woefully lacking ning 3.0 networks. Now that John is not doing that and has removed all his coding workarounds and tips- well there are going to be even more frustrated ning customers there pulling out their hair. Ning is not going to be much helping them as we know. Some of those folks will likely wind up getting curious and coming here instead of continuing to attempt to make a silk purse out of the sow's ear which is 3.0.

However, being from 3.0 they will not have ning archives and may opt to build a new network from scratch. Who knows when or if ever Ning will come up with a 3.0 archive tool. Maybe Glam will just have Ning declare bankruptcy instead to get out of liability.

oops hope i have not merely contributed to 'long and confusing' just now.... =8-o

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/19/15 02:22:34PM
10 years ago
2,584 posts
Strumelia:and I believe deleted his hundreds of coding tips from there when he left.

Deleting knowledge can't be a good idea (I can imagine a scifi plot/circumstance where it might be, but a cms probably isn't that).

Best not to delete knowledge/tips. That's just wasting time.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
However, being from 3.0 they will not have ning archives and may opt to build a new network from scratch. Who knows when or if ever Ning will come up with a 3.0 archive tool.

I find this part to be really confusing - "forcing" your users to stick with your product is rarely ever a good long term business decision. As an outsider totally looking in, my take on this would be (all speculative on my part of course as I really have no idea):

- Ning is not financially very stable. They have a lot of customers and infrastructure costs.
- Most of their "core" developers (i.e. the ones who really know the platform) have left for better paying gigs as the start up bubble has really expanded.
- They've probably "started on" dozens of things internally to try to rectify things, but without the core competency they struggle to get something stable enough to roll out to their entire network
- They've withdrawn from interacting with their customers in order to avoid having to reveal that things aren't going so well

Everything I see there is indicative of a company without solid direction and leadership, but again - I really don't know and it's my "outsider" take on it.

I doubt they will have a Ning 3.0 export tool any time soon - it's not in their financial interest to create it.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Well I cannot judge anyone or any company or their actions without knowing motives, but Brian your assessment of ning seems logical.

However, Ning has been extremely public about crowing to the world that it's "YOUR site, YOUR control, you OWN your content" for years now. Thus, I imagine they could get sued royally up one side and down the other if they don't provide a way for customers to actually "own" and download their own network content in order to move elsewhere or close their site. That alone would provide a financial incentive for them to release an archive avoid the lawsuits or a class action suit.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Thus, I imagine they could get sued royally up one side and down the other if they don't provide a way for customers to actually "own" and download their own network content

Unless they actively "hide" it from you, they can always say "you can cut and paste it from the site". I doubt their TOS outlines that they are required to make it easy with an "export" tool, but I could be wrong.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Well they are all insane. lolol

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10 posts
Hello everyone here, new friends and old Ning friends, I have finally found some time to make the move to Jamroom with my two Ning based sites. I have been reading around here a lot since yesterday trying to find my way around. I count on you to make a successful move and end my never-ending Ning monthly bills.
I would like to state what I have already done so that helpers here can easily see my problems.
1. I have installed my Jamroom package via Softaculous automatic installer in the c-panel of one of my websites.
2. I have installed the free Ning Import package.
3. My two ning websites are archived on an external hard drive I bought.
Things I can't figure out at the moment:
1. When running the Ning archive software, media files were very hard to be successfully downloaded. In most cases they had a number of files that couldn't be downloaded. Will that affect the import to Jamroom? How?
2. How do I get the archived files on my external hard drive on to Jamroom?
3. I read somewhere that there was a special skin designed to accommodate all content from a Ning website. How do I get that? I see only two skins: Elastic and Lucid.
Help on the above three questions and more would be highly appreciated.
My current ning networks are:
My newly installed Jamroom site is at:

Denis DNT
updated by @denisdnt: 01/22/15 03:12:27AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Denis - Welcome to Jamroom
You also contacted us with these questions via a support ticket, so will respond here and close that ticket.

Are you following the Ning to Jamroom documentation here? -

That will take you thought every step of the process. From that you'll see that you now need to upload your Ning archive to a folder alongside your Jamroom install. This is done with FTP.
With the free Jamroom Core you'll be able to import your Ning members and their blogs. To install all other Ning items you'll need the Ning to Jamroom Bundle that contains all the modules needed as well as the Ningja skin designed specifically for Ning imports -

Note that all Jamroom modules and skins are licences for two domains so with this one purchase would be good for the two Ning sites you want to import.

Quote: When running the Ning archive software, media files were very hard to be successfully downloaded. In most cases they had a number of files that couldn't be downloaded. Will that affect the import to Jamroom? How?
If there are no media files in your archive, they cannot be imported, of course. The archive download from Ning is something we are not in control of, so you might need to contact them directly.

Hope That Helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
10 posts
Thanks for the reply. I am still reading around. From what I have read I guess my next step is to upload my archived files to Jamroom using FTP. I haven't used FTP before so I still have to figure out how.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
I use a free FTP Client called Filezilla -
When configured and connected to your server the main left pane is your PC file system and the right main pane is the server file system so just select folders then "drag'n'drop".

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
10 posts
Thanks Paul, I was just doubting which FTP client to choose as I have 3 options in my c-panel. I will now go with FileZilla since you are familiar with it and can help if I get stuck.
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Hi Denis I remember you from years ago on ning Creators forum!

Filezilla is not too hard to figure out.

Denis don't worry if it's only a dozen or so files that the ning archiver was unable to download- i had that too and it didn't seem to mess up anything in the process. If it's hundreds then maybe contact ning support.

Remember to NOT delete your Ningarchive folder from your server after you have run the JR Import functions. It needs to remain there on your server.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10 posts
Hi Strumelia, yeah it is fun to seek refuge here. I have installed Filezilla on my laptop. I am trying to figure out how to fill out the required information and then proceed with the transfer of the files. Like you rightly mentioned, I don't really mind losing a few media files.
My problem was to know whether when the Ning archive software says some files couldn't be downloaded, it means the downloaded ones are affected or not. From your answer, I think they aren't.
I wish the forum comment box here had the possibility to uplaod an image.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: I wish the forum comment box here had the possibility to uplaod an image.
Post a support ticket - You can attach images there. We just don't want the forum covered with them ;-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
10,149 posts
You can click on the gear to "Modify your post" after you have posted it, and attach an image. No need to open a Support Ticket :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
4,335 posts
You can click on the gear to "Modify your post" after you have posted it, and attach an image. No need to open a Support Ticket :)

Or you could do that instead ;-)
Sorry for the misinformation !!

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
10 posts
I just tried to do that.

I have this installed on my pc but I tell you guys I still don't know how to get the file through. You can call me dumb.
Filezilla.jpg  •  141KB

updated by @denisdnt: 01/22/15 10:31:36PM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
In your attached picture, it shows filezilla but it is not connected to your server. You can tell that by the right hand pane reading "Not connected to any server"

What is it your trying to achieve? Install Jamroom? If so, you need to be connected to your server via the credentials your hosting company gave you in order to be able to upload.
10 years ago
10 posts
Thanks Michael. I am guessing I didn't enter the right information somewhere. It should connect. I am trying to get the Ning archived files on my pc on to Jamroom via File zilla. The file attached is the information I got after setting up the ftp account in my c-panel. I am not sure that is the right thing to do and the right information to enter on filezilla. Please help me.
updated by @denisdnt: 01/22/15 11:19:46PM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Right, then you need to get that connection working to progress. Double check that username. Its the same as the domain name.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
I've got your image, and have deleted the one on the forum. That information's not critical, but its also not public info.

Try adding the FTP port into the box for it in filezilla. There is a chance its not the same as the default one filezilla uses. also make sure you have the in the FTP box.

Also try
10 years ago
10 posts
I am still stuck. Here attached is a list of step by step instructions given that I have followed over and over. I am just wondering whether there is another way to do this without using FTP.
ab.jpg  •  106KB

updated by @denisdnt: 01/23/15 12:30:10AM
10 years ago
10 posts
and this is the second part.
cd.jpg  •  66KB

updated by @denisdnt: 01/23/15 12:31:41AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Try a different FTP client. If that fails too, contact your hosting company. They should have provided instructions on how to FTP into the server when you got the account.

All you should need is:
FTP LOCATION: (usually )
FTP USERNAME: xxxxxxxxx
FTP PASSWORD: xxxxxxxxx

There's a real old (over a year) video of installing jamroom via FTP here:
Installing jamroom5 via FTP to your host server

It should just be a simple thing with the right credentials.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
If you want to send that info to support [at] I can try it out for you. But if you do that then you'll need to change the password after I've checked. Best bet is your hosting company.
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@denisdnt -

I am on a Mac and I have the latest version of Filezilla installed (

Once FileZilla is launched, go to the FILE menu and select Site Manager.
Create a "New Site"
Enter the information you got from your hosting service provider.

Host is the name of the ftp server.
You probably do not have to enter the port number unless it's not the default FTP port.
Select the protocol. Probably FTP but could be SFTP if you asked for that in your account setup.
Ask to use Encryption if it's available.
- (It is at Arvixe, but because I am on a shared server when I log in I get a warning about it which I dismiss.)
Select the logon type. If you select Normal the password you enter will be used. If you select Ask you will be asked for it each time.
- Anonymous is probably not an option.
Enter your username
Enter your password
Click on Okay.

You will now have saved a site configuration and it will appear in the panel at the left (in this case, Test).
When you want to log in to your FTP server, click on the name of the account to connect to and click on Connect.

If all of the information you provide is correct then you will see the back and forth between Filezilla and the server in the top left panel and the server directory listing will appear. If there's something wrong, the dialog in the top panel will let you know what it is.
 •  187KB

updated by @claygordon: 01/23/15 07:50:58AM
10 years ago
3,304 posts
try just the server ip the user name and pass in quick connect

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
10 posts
Thanks for all the support and guidance. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately I am away from my PC. I am with my students on their annual excursion. I will only get back to the migration project on Tuesday. I want to try another FTP client. Failure to do so again I would like to find a way to send you the files. I really wish to get over this before my next Ning billing day on February 23rd.
10 years ago
3,304 posts
filezillas the best id stick with that
some servers use username pass others use

and when in doubt i always default to the main ip

u maybe even able to login to ftp or sftp as root and have access to every account (careful tho u also have access to system files)

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
865 posts
I have always used FlashFXP, but this isn't a free program.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
If you are on a Mac, YummyFTP is very good. I used to use FileZilla but it's not very good on the Mac (it has a tendency to get it's cache "stuck").

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10 posts
Dear friends, I am back in town. I have consulted with my admins this morning and we are about to make a big decision which is to abandon the transfer of files project and build our network from scratch. We think it is a chance to re-structure the site, weed out old and outdated content, inactive members and give the whole thing a new look instead of bringing over all what we have now. We are weighing what we lose in such a decision against what we gain and we are about to make the decision.
I would like to hear what you all think about such a decision. Advice me please.
If there is someone out here that has built their network here from scratch, please chime in your thoughts.
if this happens, it will be the first major clean up for the network since its creation in 2008. We have only 2000+ members and very less than 500 who are regular and active. It is one of the reasons we think it is the right decision to make now.
Any ideas will be highly appreciated.
10 years ago
3,304 posts
i would say thats a bad idea
although your entire structure will change requiring a complete re-indexing ofyour site youd be left with nothing that brought you trafic in the past
as soon as i went live on jaqmroom googlebot was hungry hungry hungry for content went from averaging 87-100k pages a day to 300k
my seo isnt done yet but already im seeing an increase in rank for my most needed keywords for the 1st time in over a year
yes alotta ppl are hitting 404s i edited the 404 to say its anew sitew all contents been moved use the menu or search to find what your looking for
already im seeing the indexing updated to the right pages
i know im going to take a trafic hit for weeks maybe even a month or 2 but all those pages..every 1 of them has value has a chance at a page 1 slot
now it might be 10,000 pages that each get only a few sesrches a month but it qadds up
then theres the 1000 pages that get hundreds of searches a day or more

none of your contents worthless no matter how old ..or off topic

i did delete some absolutely worthless pages that just are no good to me now that im off ning but thats it

i have almost 14,000 members
yea only a few hundred are active all the time maybe 6,000 drop by now and then some post once or twice and arent seen again for 2 or more years
but it doesnt matter

i would really recomend u save every bit of content u can
and when u go live u send out that password reset and site announcement and see how many start to come back

ive seen ppl log on that i havent seen on in 4 years since going live

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Another option might be just to bring over your members and give them a clean slate to work with.
Members are your most valuable asset and arguably everything they've posted over the years is disposable.
I've been running a Jamroom site for over 11 years now and I've often thought about having a clear out of all the old stuff that is never read, watched or listened to any more, if only to get a load of disk space back!!

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
3,304 posts
welcome back paul i was going to ask when you were getting back
its 6 am and havent slept yet but i have a couple confusing things i wanted to talk to ya about... and a suggestion thats kinda related to your comment

the suggestion.. distributed data
huge ssd drives are very expensive but satas are cheap
moving vids and music to a sata drive shouldnt affect the streaming really unless there was just a ton of streaming going on..
and if you could move more then 1/2 your site to a cheaper drive whether symlinked or a 'cdn' like subdomain account in the seperate drive (or for that matter separate server)

just would be alot moire cost effective to add a 1tb sata for 30 a minth then it wiould a 140 gig ssd at 100 a mionth (not sure those are accurate oprices just a huge satas a fraction of the cost of a small ssd)

your site would still be blazing fast and the streaming fast enough unless it was under alotta strain

but the other issues like take a look at my guides and pages under the forums link u see 1 empty mystery item
what the hecks that
and i have many m any manmy photos that imported twice once with the galery name once with the title some most have the title feild blank..but not all its really inconsistent
but i have a whole lot of double photos ..again wasting space

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,605 posts
My own opinion would be to do exactly what you are discussing. I'm a fan of cleaning out dead content (and dead members too!) I don't like to keep outdated content on my site for all eternity- it just gets more and more irrelevant and bloated over time. I don't make income based on the number of hits or ad clicks my site gets- so, we all have very different sites and different needs.
My vote is for doing as Paul too mentioned- leaving behind all the content and just importing your active members over.

You can also sort your 2000 members in your Ning member .csv database (you are still on ning 2.0, right) according to their last activity date on your site- and then maybe delete those from your ning site who have not contributed in over two or 3 years. The ning 'export memberdata' file function is handy for sorting members before you go to Jamroom. Plus you'll have a complete list of your members' email addresses and location, etc. before you leave Ning.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
3,304 posts
its not a matter of earning monety from clicks its a matter of anyone ever finding your site.. it would be dead.,. noithing there but a few user names and thats tyhe only way to find it
you would kill all your hard earned trafic all your growth and youd be virtualy invisible

youve had asite for years it took 8 years just to get 2000 members and the what 20,000 pages
maybe 100,000
if you reduce that to 500 members and 10 pages
it will be a miracle if u get any new members that wernt by invite
your trafic will drop to njothing and nobody will find it

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
75 posts
Let me know if you'd prefer me to enter this elsewhere but this forum seemed as good as any.

I'm back to battling with Filezilla so I can upload my Ning json files. I was obviously able to upload the Jamroom files a few weeks ago but since then, have not been able to connect with the server as indicated in this prior post.

FZ blames the server. GoDaddy says there's no problem on their end. Both finger pointing at one another.

FZ is free so one must wade thru their wiki and forums. My head's spinning. Here's what it's saying:
Status: Connecting to
Response: fzSftp started
Command: open "admin@" 22
Error: Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Connecting to
Response: fzSftp started
Command: open "admin@" 22
Error: Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error: Could not connect to server

I've done a search here in JR for filezilla, did several web searches for "filezilla software caused connection abort" and the results are staggering. One gentlemen said "The clients were behind a dynamic NAT, on a DMZ, using a Cisco firewall. The outbound traffic was all behind a single dynamic IP address for the users (the ip address of the outside port). We had additional outside IP address space, so I placed the users behind a static nat. 3.3.1 now works fine. NO Server Fix required. For us, the optimization issue appears to be related to certain routers performing dynamic NAT, and TCP sequence numbers."

He may have as well be speaking in French - no clue what that means. LOL Any ideas what I should try?
10 years ago
75 posts
I neglected to add, I tried the configuration wizard and it returned these results: (and I have keep settings alive - checked)

Connecting to
Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready
USER FileZilla
Response: 331 Give any password.
Response: 230 logged on.
Checking for correct external IP address
Retrieving external IP address from
Checking for correct external IP address
IP ha-bcc-caa-cbb
Response: 200 OK
PREP 50033
Response: 200 Using port 50033, data token 1379260575
PORT 70,122,200,211,195,113
Connection timed out.
Connection closed
updated by @kos: 02/07/15 11:38:22AM
10 years ago
3,304 posts
sounds like firewall blocking maybe
what firewall do u use
or the server was down try again try pinging the server try a tracert to the server

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
75 posts
Well after 3 phone calls to GoDaddy, it's now miraculous working. Surprise surprise! LOL Thank goodness for small miracles.
10 years ago
3,605 posts

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
5 posts
OH my goodness it feels a bit good (sorry guys) that I am not the only one having issues to transfer or create a new community. I was feeling so bad like a totally dummy. But the honest thing is that I don't know much about technology and I am looking for someone to help me. Of course I will pay a reasonable price.
I need help I am getting to the point that I may stay in NING .. But by this time they must dislike me allot because I speak up about my frustration for the last three years.
Well this is my advance..
I am trying already downloaded Jamroom on my Cpanel Go daddy ..
Studying what is best for me if I use my own cpanel or I used Jamroom server. Here i will appreciate your input a bit of advice it would help.
I am reading allot of what is in the forums.. Thank you guys great information but unfortunately. I have to put all the information I get together like a PUZZLE so that is taking time. I wish I can just find and expert to help me and I am done with this. SO if you know someone that charge fairly please send it my way I will really appreciate it.
Wow It is so nice to be in a community that is respectful and collaborative. I am not as knowledgeable as you are guy’s @strumelia and @soaringeagle I had been reading your conversation in ning. I appreciate the encouragement the tips. Because of you I am here I know it is not going to be easy but I will get it... Because I had a brain injury few years ago and on top of that I am a second language everything takes double or triple time for me to learn. SO I was so proud of finally knowing ning (to what I need it to know) when I was finally going to 100% migrate.. The NING PEOPLE STARTING DICTATING things that I don't want to carry on my community and when you speak to CS in the phone on two are polite BUT still they CAN'T do anything. I have been learning NING for last three years... never used my community yet because I wanted to be proud that with all my limitations I did it. From ning Not help ... I am impress how the CS here in JR works I hope that never goes away. Thank you... Again please looks like I am not going to be proud of doing my community ALONE so I don't want to waste THREE more years without sending my message to the world please... if you know someone who can help me please let me know.
God bless you guys keep up the good work...

P.S sorry if ANY typo :)
updated by @fabiola: 03/12/15 05:44:41PM
10 years ago
3,304 posts
well i need to be working more on another site i started but sure i can help...and could certainly use the $
let me know what you need

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
5 posts
OH please lets talk asap .. I need everything .. please help me.
Thank you ..
Thank you God bless you!
updated by @fabiola: 03/12/15 10:59:15PM
10 years ago
3,304 posts
ok got it but just a note i just found out my exposetheabuse sites getting a huge startup grant and a 504 (whats the diference between 501c3 and 504?) status

so i gotta buckle down and get seriuus on getting that developed

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
