solved Custom Form fails to upload Audio and Image files

10 years ago
57 posts
Hello, I created a custom form using the "Simple Custom Forms" Module.
I created a bunch of text files and one Audio type field and one image type file.
The form opens fine, but when I tried to upload an Audio File, it fails with "Upload failed" message. The same happens with Image type. If I remove these two fields it works fine.

Is there anything that I'm doing wrong?
Please help.
form.jpg  •  147KB

updated by @luis890: 09/28/16 01:46:36PM
10 years ago
2,793 posts
Are you seeing any error messages in your ACP > System Tools > Activity Logs, Debug Logs or PHP Error logs?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
57 posts
Thanks for the quick reply Brian. Regarding your questions, there is no errors reported in the Activity logs, Debug Logs or PHP error logs.

This is what I was able to find out.

1) While logged in as Administrator or Artist.. I'm able to upload audio and image files. Even though, I have selected "(group) All Users (including logged out) in the Display Groups form.
The main idea of this form is to allow A signer or promoter to upload a promotional song without having to create an account profile. How can this be fixed?

2) If the Audio is submitted while logged in it works fine, but not attachments(audio, image) are received in the Admin imbox or email address. It only shows the below message.
Does the audio and file gets saved somewhere else? If it does, what is the URL?

A new response has been received for the Sumisión de Música Promocional form:

Submitted By:
user: Admin

Submitted Form Information:
form_muUpload_length: 00:04:24
form_muUpload_bitrate: 128
form_muUpload_smprate: 44100
form_muUpload_track: 1
form_Representante: test1
form_ContactNumber: 4233222444
form_ArtistName: losnenes
form_Agreetment: on
form_content: fdfkdj dfdfdfjdkfjdk fadkfasdj
form_name: from_Muisic_Upload
form_created: 12/21/14 09:18:24AM
form_user_id: 1
form_user_name: Admin
form_profile_name: Admin

This response has been saved to the Custom Form DataStore:

If you need to look a the site, please let me know..
Thank You
updated by @luis890: 12/21/14 08:03:38AM
10 years ago
2,793 posts
I don't think a non logged in user is allowed to upload audio, or other types of files, without having an account/profile on your site.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 12/21/14 08:03:29AM
10 years ago
57 posts
I don't think a non logged in user is allowed to upload audio, or other types of files, without having an account/profile on your site.

okay, on this case it defeats the use of custom forms specially music summations for none logged in users.

But still there is a problem.. where does the audio of image file gets saved once the form is submitted.
As I stated on problem 2, the Audio and Image file is not attached in the email that is sent to the administrator email address.
updated by @luis890: 12/21/14 08:10:50AM
10 years ago
10,148 posts
okay, on this case it defeats the use of custom forms specially music summations for none logged in users.

You would have to do something custom for this - ALL media files are attached to a profile, and users who are not logged in DO NOT have a profile...

But still there is a problem.. where does the audio of image file gets saved once the form is submitted.
As I stated on problem 2, the Audio and Image file is not attached in the email that is sent to the administrator email address.

Media items are not attached to emails. Uploaded media items will go into the user's profile directory - i.e.


Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/21/14 09:09:20AM
