Does the paypal payment pro allow artist to get paid directly -

12 years ago
78 posts
Does the paypal payment pro allow artist to get paid directly -
I would like paid membership , but the product sale go directly to the sellers paypal not mine - not like before with micro payment - is it possible with this new core and payment system ?
updated by @cadberry: 12/19/13 05:47:44PM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Does the paypal payment pro allow artist to get paid directly -
I would like paid membership , but the product sale go directly to the sellers paypal not mine - not like before with micro payment - is it possible with this new core and payment system ?

No it's not - all the payments still go through a central account where you "payout" your profiles. We'll actually probably have a small module that will do this specifically for PayPal though - it's something on our TODO (basically "buy now" buttons for media items with payment going directly to the profile). It will be a much simpler system due to the limitations imposed by that, but would likely work for you.

The current system is more powerful in that it allows a cart - you can't have a cart system with multiple payment addresses.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
78 posts
what's the small module that I can use - had a hard time with the micro payment - I rather just allow membership payments to sell their own digital or real product themselves with the paymenst going to the profile just using my server
12 years ago
78 posts
I was using the 4.1.9 flashback
12 years ago
10,149 posts
what's the small module that I can use - had a hard time with the micro payment - I rather just allow membership payments to sell their own digital or real product themselves with the paymenst going to the profile just using my server

It's not available yet, so just keep an eye out for - it's on our to-do list.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
78 posts
Hi friends, how could I just make subscription payments to me , and the products to the profile page paypal ? you can't do it with foxy cart - how can I do it with paypal. I will be looking for the post for that module , but anything suggestions until then ?
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi friends, how could I just make subscription payments to me , and the products to the profile page paypal ? you can't do it with foxy cart - how can I do it with paypal. I will be looking for the post for that module , but anything suggestions until then ?

There is nothing in Jamroom 5 at this time that will do this - you would need to do something custom if you need it now.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
