solved Npages - Embed not working

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
I rather suspect this is because of my peculiar circumstance of being in the NingNova skin. Paul was working on Npages before he went on vacation.

I'm not sure what state all that custom work is, but embed works in blogs and regular pages (I briefly re-enabled for test) but not in Npages - at least not on my network.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
How are you doing the embed? Are you doing it via the editor?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Yes - it's not working in the editor. The box opens as per normal and shows the choices. However, after saving the page, the code is not "rendered", it shows "raw" on the page.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
7,793 posts
Check your item_details.tpl page code and compare it with the one in the jrPage module. I suspect that its missing something like |jrCore_format_string

the page one looks like this:

so your one will probably be something like item.npage_body
updated by @michael: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Thanks Michael - I'll look into that...


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Well - we are getting closer. I did that and now it shows both the raw code and the "rendered" embed.

On the "full page" view it is still just the raw code. Here is the template file.


{if isset($item.npage_forbidden)}

You do not have access to this page

{jrCore_module_url module="jrNingPage" assign="murl"}

{jrCore_item_detail_buttons module="jrNingPage" item=$item}


{$item.profile_name} »
{jrCore_lang module="jrNingPage" id="10" default="NPage"} » {$_post._2|default:"NPage"}

{jrCore_lang module="jrNingPage" id="19" default="View full screen"}


{jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrNingPage" item=$item}



Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
2,584 posts
You are showing the $item.npage_body twice - once "raw" (the first one), and once "rendered" (the second one using the jrCore_format_string modifier).

I'm guessing that is from item_list.tpl, if so try adding the modifier to your item_detail.tpl as well.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)

updated by @ultrajam: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Thanks Steve - I'll have another go at it...


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Cool.. It's fixed in both view now... Thanks very much...


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM