So discontented NING user here and questions I have about Jamroom

11 years ago
34 posts
Does Jamroom have sitemap capability? No sense having a site if can't get it in search engines.

How is everyone liking Jamroom?
updated by @jeffh: 12/31/14 11:39:22AM
11 years ago
7,788 posts
Hi @JeffH,

Welcome to the fourms. There is a special forum for Ning users here:

where a lot of ning specific communication is going on.

In answer to your question, yes Jamroom has a sitemap and is very well setup for search engine optimization.

Here is an example of the sitemap in xml form ready to be put into Google Developer Tools or wherever else wants it:

Its reconstructed automatically so it stays up to date with new content that is added.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Jeff - I'm the first Ning migrant. Just working out a couple remaining issues.
I'm set-up here and loving it


Ken Rich
11 years ago
2,584 posts
Jamroom's just fine JeffH. Dive in, you will love it.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
11 years ago
34 posts
Okay..I am a non coder...and not finding that the "easy" one click hosting is working to get things uploaded. totally lost
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Did you get the Jamroom script installed, but not your migrated content. What exactly is the issue? How far along in the process are you?


Ken Rich
11 years ago
34 posts
Can't get installed...the "easy" one click not working...just takes you to a tutorial, but can't even get to a cpanel on arvixe
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Sorry - I'll have to leave this for the staff - I don't know anything about the hosting set-up there, or the one click install. I'm on a friends server and install is the "hard way".


Ken Rich
11 years ago
34 posts
Wow...after hunting and pecking, found out how to get to the Arvixe Cpanel...just not set up very logically
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Patience is a virtue lol


Ken Rich
11 years ago
34 posts the light is on. Stay tuned for screams of frustration, as I am sure they will be likely as I learn the nuances here
11 years ago
34 posts
ok, heard great things about the customer service with jamroom..but for the life of me can find no link to contact customer service. So we are just supposed to live and die by comments by posters here?
11 years ago
3,603 posts
Hi Jeff,
Did you join in the special forums the JR team created for us ning users. which Micheal suggested above? Did you install a Ning-to-JR Bundle and look around in it yet?
The support forums here are very responsive, with quick help from both other JR customers and the JR developers team. I wouldn't characterize it as 'customer service'- because YOU are the one building and running your very own site- you are not renting a service like from Ning. Jamroom is a free open source platform, with customizable modules/features you buy and add according to your needs, like plugins. You'll be installing/hosting it on your own owned or rented server space.
The JR developers team is very generous with their helpful advice, and they do support and maintain the platform core and the modules they sell. But you'll have to learn how to build/customize your own site, your server stuff, and learn the settings etc. You really are owning and running your own site! :)

This free series of instructions might help you, just sign up and start reading and watching the videos:

Take your time, do a little reading and some tweaks each day on your site, and pretty soon you'll be amazed at what you now know and can do! :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
11 years ago
346 posts
Your totally correct Strumelia...I agree with how you put it..

Jeff... understand also what makes this place a great place to live and die by comments by posters is us posters has learned so much from the jamroom team that we can share what we know with others on this forum..but you have to have patience to understand where you want to go and do with Jamroom...
updated by @boplive: 11/24/14 06:08:44PM
11 years ago
34 posts
Understand, but they surely provide customer service for their core product..and that is where I am having difficulty.
11 years ago
34 posts
I have done nothing but load the core. And in trying to add a profile as a test, the verification process is not working correctly.
11 years ago
3,603 posts
I bet one of the JR team helps you here by tomorrow morning Jeff. Patience. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
11 years ago
7,788 posts
There is a paid support option if you want private support rather than the community support of these forums and the ning-to-jamroom forums.

The option for that can be found here:

You wont get better support than you do in the forums though, just private. So I'd recommend not getting it and rather outlining the issue as best you can in a way that allows others to help you out.

Right now the title of this thread is "So discontented NING user here and questions I have about Jamroom"

It would be better for you to open a new thread with a title like "Verification process not working when adding a profile"

Then outline the steps that you have taken to get to that point so someone can follow along and try it out on their own system. That way they can either confirm the issue as a bug or show you whats going wrong.
11 years ago
34 posts
Hi @JeffH,

Welcome to the fourms. There is a special forum for Ning users here:

where a lot of ning specific communication is going on.

In answer to your question, yes Jamroom has a sitemap and is very well setup for search engine optimization.

Here is an example of the sitemap in xml form ready to be put into Google Developer Tools or wherever else wants it:

Its reconstructed automatically so it stays up to date with new content that is added.

Tried posting here but it keeps coming up that "improper forum category-please try again". There is no forum category selection area, so what am I doing wrong?
11 years ago
34 posts
Hi @JeffH,

Welcome to the fourms. There is a special forum for Ning users here:

where a lot of ning specific communication is going on.

In answer to your question, yes Jamroom has a sitemap and is very well setup for search engine optimization.

Here is an example of the sitemap in xml form ready to be put into Google Developer Tools or wherever else wants it:

Its reconstructed automatically so it stays up to date with new content that is added.

Tried posting here but it keeps coming up that "improper forum category-please try again". There is no forum category selection area, so what am I doing wrong?

Figured out the issue but a correction for you: I was on the selection of Newest Posts and not in a specific forum area. But there is an add post there, just clicked on it and wasn't thinking. Might want to get rid of that add post when a person is just browsing NEWEST POSTS.
11 years ago
7,788 posts
JeffH:...I was on the selection of Newest Posts and not in a specific forum area. But there is an add post there, just clicked on it and wasn't thinking. Might want to get rid of that add post when a person is just browsing NEWEST POSTS.

Thanks for that, I'll look into it.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
This has been fixed and will be in the next forum module release.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
