With the new release today of the new Profile Groups modules, 2 of the modules have changed their directory and datastore names, so after you install the new versions of the modules, you will need to perform the following steps to “move” your existing Ning pages and discussions module data so the new modules will see it:
1) First, make sure all 3 of the new modules are installed or updated from your Marketplace (Group Support, Group Pages and Group Discussions)
2) Go into the ACP and go to the “info” tab for each of these modules make sure the Module URL and Module Category are set to the following:
- for Group Support:
- module url: group
- module category: profile groups
- for Group Pages:
- module url: group_pages
- module category: profile groups
- for Group Discussions:
- module url: group_discuss
- module category: profile groups
Make sure the module is ACTIVE and save.
3) Make sure you have the Developer Tools module installed (it should be in your ACP -> Tools section). If not, install it from the Marketplace and activate it.
4) Go to the ACP -> Tools -> Developer Tools -> “Tools” tab and click on the “Database Admin” tool
5) Click on the “SQL Command” link in the upper left
6) In the SQL Comment text area enter the following entries ONE AT A TIME. After EACH ENTRY press the “Execute” button. After it runs, REPLACE the text in the text area with the next command.
- DROP TABLE jr_jrgroupdiscuss_item;
- DROP TABLE jr_jrgroupdiscuss_item_key;
- RENAME TABLE jr_jrningdiscuss_item TO jr_jrgroupdiscuss_item;
- RENAME TABLE jr_jrningdiscuss_item_key TO jr_jrgroupdiscuss_item_key;
- DROP TABLE jr_jrgrouppage_item;
- DROP TABLE jr_jrgrouppage_item_key;
- RENAME TABLE jr_jrningpage_item TO jr_jrgrouppage_item;
- RENAME TABLE jr_jrningpage_item_key TO jr_jrgrouppage_item_key;
- DELETE FROM jr_jrcore_form WHERE module = 'jrGroup';
Basically what we are doing here is renaming the “old” datastore tables (which are the tables Jamroom uses for each module’s data) to the new ones so your data will show up in the new module. We have to first DELETE the new table though, or we can’t rename the old one to the new one.
Once finished you can close the Database Admin browser window - you’re all done.
If this is too complicated contact me at support [at] jamroom [dot] net and I can take care of this for you.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM