The NingNova2 skin I am running (thanks to Paul) has an innovation that with just a couple of tweaks, would be "the bomb" for featuring, and no former Ning user would ever miss that aspect.
In fact, what I'm suggesting would automate the process, help monetize the site, and look very similar to the old Ning view we are used to.
On the top of this page there is a row of four spaces, and tabs for featured content
It is possible to have the content which displays be randomly chosen from assigned quotas. For instance I have 2 paid artist levels and 1 free. I can ignore the free one, and artists who pay can be chosen at random for featuring. That's good, the addition of "weighting" so one quota can get a higher number of features than another quota, would also be useful.
A manual override for inputting someone to the rotation would be nice for special occasions, but not a critical concern at least for me.
Now, it's nice having featured artists show as the first view on the Home page, but on the Songs page I want featured songs displayed first. On videos page, featured videos.
I've tried "monkeying" with the code, but currently the initial loading on the view is artists, until the button is pressed, no matter what tab is placed first. I thinks it's got something to do with the loading sequence in Java.
I'm going to attach the current code (I believe this belongs to Paul and/or Douglas). If a trained coder want's to look, I'm pretty sure the proposed tweaks are an easy job that will result in "happy trails" for former Ningsters. A feature request if you will, that will benefit the whole community.
Ken Rich
updated by @ken-rich: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM