Here is a tip I just figured out. You can control your mobile views with this.
{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()} xxxxxxxxxx {else} yyyyyyyyyyy {/if}
I'm checking my work with in advanced mode because I don't have a smart phone. Not all responsive emulators are the same, and indeed unless you are in advanced mode, this one too will not give a true mobile view.
On my site there is a custom menu tab "top left" (in mobile view) that shows and hides a slick looking menu down the left side of the screen. That is an easy mod - an image and CSS.
This tip is small but but powerful. For example, I can place an ad rotor from my Eagle Ads site, that's way too wide for mobiles.
So in mobile view, I can simply make it disappear. If it was a simple image I could make it shrink to size, but iframed rotors are "set" in size. This will help me monetize my network and pay the bills.
Ken Rich
updated by @ken-rich: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM