
Pam Givens
Pam Givens
11 years ago
45 posts
I'm quite lost and this could be in part not understanding some terminology. I'd like to change the header and add the logo for my site, I'd like to add some titles to the menu bar and I need to change the sizes of the photos in the galleries.

I happy checking out some videos if there are some just point me in that direction.
Any ideas?
updated by @pam-givens: 12/15/14 02:43:23PM
11 years ago
2,803 posts
You can modify the header.tpl for your skin in the ACP > Skins > YOUR-ACTIVE-SKIN > Templates section. You can also upload a new logo image via the Images tab for YOUR-ACTIVE-SKIN as well and modify your header_menu_desktop.tpl and header_menu_mobile.tpl files as well.

Or you can modify the templates directly by using a FTP client to download the skins/YOUR-ACTIVE-SKIN/header.tpl, header_menu_desktop.tpl,header_menu_mobile.tpl and your skins/YOUR-ACTIVE-SKIN/img/logo.png templates and files.

However... If you modify the templates directly, you may want to clone the skin first. This way updates to the skin do not overwrite your modifications.

You can clone a skin via the ACP > Site Tools > Developer Tools > Tools > Clone Skin. Note: you'll need the Develper Module installed.

Hope this helps! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Pam Givens
Pam Givens
11 years ago
45 posts
Thanks Douglas for your help.
11 years ago
2,803 posts
Your welcome! ;)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Pam Givens
Pam Givens
11 years ago
45 posts
Is this skin still available? "SKIN", "SITE BUILDER" OR "RESTFUL API"
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Sorry Pam - Not sure what you are asking. Those are not skins.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Pam Givens
Pam Givens
11 years ago
45 posts
Watching the Udemy course that you recommend, and that person was talking about Site Builder? So just wondered if that was available. I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to add thinks, move things around and the "Site Builder" he talked about look like something I might actually be able to do. Thanks Paul...back to studying.
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Pam
The site builder is in beta and still has a few issues. At the moment I can't say when it might be ready, but hopefully not too long. The Jamroom guy who has developed it (Michael) has been away and is back this week so hopefully he'll then be able to pick up on some of the issues that have been raised in his absence.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Pam Givens
Pam Givens
11 years ago
45 posts
Thanks Paul.
11 years ago
75 posts
I'm having a hard time locating where I can enlarge my logo size. The ones I have uploaded all get shrunk down. I adjusted the header itself but am stuck on Class=jlogo to increase to height: 75px; width: 500px; Have looked in every place beneath the "style" options. Did a forum search for jlogo and came up empty. Where is it located?
updated by @kos: 11/14/14 12:56:46PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm having a hard time locating where I can enlarge my logo size. The ones I have uploaded all get shrunk down. I adjusted the header itself but am stuck on Class=jlogo to increase to height: 75px; width: 500px; Have looked in every place beneath the "style" options. Did a forum search for jlogo and came up empty. Where is it located?

What skin are you using?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
75 posts
Neglected to say I 'did' initially try to change it in the skin template settings in the header area but no go
Yes, Developer Mode is enabled. :(
11 years ago
75 posts
Brian I cloned and created a new one "jrelasticblue"
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I just tested it here and it's working for me in Elastic:

- Go into the ACP -> Skins -> Yourskin -> Templates and modify the header.tpl file.

Change this:
{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="191" height="44" class="jlogo" alt=$_conf.jrCore_system_name custom="logo"}
to this:
{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="300" height="60" class="jlogo" alt=$_conf.jrCore_system_name custom="logo"}

You can set the "width" and "height" to whatever pixels you want. Save it.

Click on "cancel" and put a checkmark in the "active" checkbox next to the header.tpl file, scroll down and save, then refresh your screen.

Note that by default template edits are not "active" until you activate them,

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
75 posts
Good lord, that little bugger check box. I keep thinking that once I 'save' and do a hard refresh - it should take. Have to get used to that. LOL Thank you!
