How to access CSS for 'Meganizr' in PhotoPro skin?

11 years ago
301 posts

Very new here and very new to Jamroom! Finding my feet slowly. I'm using the Photo Pro skin. I've been playing around with the customisation, but I have ended up with a dark band across the main navigation tabs.

Firefox inspector seems to indicate that it's coming from CSS with the name ul meganizr. I can't access that from the ACP Skin panels - any thoughts?

Thank you!

updated by @iamtimbo: 02/04/15 11:56:22AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Can you post a link to your site so that we can take a look?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 01/29/15 03:14:19PM
11 years ago
301 posts
Hi Paul,

I've dropped the maintenance banner - it's (for now!)

Let me know when you're done...

11 years ago
301 posts
Wile you're there, on the Profiles page, the images are moving over to the right as you move down the page, and reducing in size....!
11 years ago
10,149 posts
First thing you want to do is make sure and go into the Marketplace and install the Developer Tools module, and then activate it. After that has been installed, go to Developer Tools -> Clone Skin. Make sure and clone the "Photo Pro" skin to a custom name (i.e. iamtimbo). You want to do this so in the future if there are updates to the PhotoPro skin, and you update, none of your template/css modifications will be lost.

Secondly, this will allow you to customize the CSS more in depth by simply editing the files in skins/iamtimbo/css - I'd recommend going that route rather than trying to modify things via the Style editor, as you have more control over all the classes and IDs.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom