Welcome to Jamroom!
Our goal here is to help you to move your Ning Community over to Jamroom - a job that we hope to make as seamless and easy as possible for you.
If you are currently a Ning user, please checkout our Ning to Jamroom migration documentation:
this will help you to fully understand what is involved in the process of "importing" your Ning site to a Jamroom site.
If you have any questions, please post them in the forum here and we will follow up as soon as we can.
You may also want to visit the main Jamroom pages and its forum at https://www.jamroom.net in order to get more of an insight as to what Jamroom is all about, as well as our other Jamroom Network based projects at http://www.genosisfamily.com and http://proximacore.com
The whole of jamroom.net, including the two non-jamroom links above, is based on a single Jamroom CMS installation, so you are now looking at what can be achieved by using Jamroom, and what it can do for you and your sites.
Paul (Jamroom Team)
Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
updated by @paul: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM