solved Player Streaming Error

11 years ago
29 posts
The music player on my website is currently not working properly. I have not had these following problems with the player in the past:

1. When artists upload songs, the music does not play back for example, half of the songs on this artist's page:

2. And as of today a new artist has uploaded songs and when I am logged in as admin, instead of playing, the songs would download. When not logged in as admin, when I press play the message is "Error: Your account does not have the proper permission to download this file!" See here:

I have tried deleting and re-uploading files to no avail. I have called my hosting provider, Godaddy, and there have been no file system changes. I am running php5.

Please advise.
updated by @kish09: 12/29/14 09:14:37AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
For #2 you need to check that play keys are enabled and the Quota settings are all configured as you want them.

If everything was working, and then "out of the blue" has stopped working, then your hosting provider has changed something regardless of what they have told you.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
1. How do I check that play keys are enabled?
2. Also, I want to upgrade to Jamroom 5. Do I simply buy the upgrade and wait for your staff to contact me? My site is currently 65GB.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
1. How do I check that play keys are enabled?
2. Also, I want to upgrade to Jamroom 5. Do I simply buy the upgrade and wait for your staff to contact me? My site is currently 65GB.

1) Check in the Media Settings in your JR4 config, as well as the Quota settings media tab.

2) Since you need a custom skin, once that is completed then the import and upgrade can begin - if we do it before that time then you'd have to run with one of the existing skins.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
OK, I am willing to hire someone from your team to do the custom skin. I am ready for this immediately.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
OK, I am willing to hire someone from your team to do the custom skin. I am ready for this immediately.

Yeah - I have an open ticket for Douglas on this - it's the weekend so give him a day or so to check it out.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
Greetings Brian,

I have gone to the "Media settings"and "Quota Settings Media Tab" sections "Media Access" and "Media Support". What is the specific entry on those pages where I can check the "Play keys"?
11 years ago
10,149 posts
System Config - Media Settings -> Use Media Keys - sorry, I had to fire up a JR4 install as I could not remember of the top of my head.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
Ok. The "Use Media Keys" is set to yes. I have discovered that when I upload mp3 files it streams fine. However, the problem is when I upload a .wav file. When .wav files are uploaded, the song does not stream when play is pressed. Instead, the song downloads.

It must be some setting for .wav files that I have not set correctly.

Please advise.
updated by @kish09: 10/12/14 11:44:54AM
11 years ago
29 posts

Uploaded .wav files do not stream when uploaded. Rather, the files download when the play button is pressed. On the "Media Support" page in my quota settings,in "Valid Audio Formats" I have mp3,wma,wav as the accepted file types. Can you please tell me why uploaded wav files are not playable (they download when play is pressed, but only when I am signed in as an admin. If not signed in as admin, I get an error "Error: Your account does not have the proper permission to download this file!" See here:,but uploaded mp3 files are fine?

I need a solution quickly. Thanks.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
WAV files are not a streamable format, so they cannot be streamed. If you have the JR4 conversion server, then it can convert the WAV files to MP3.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
I have the JR4 conversion server and my "getid3" option is set to yes on my media settings. The files are obviously not converting. How do I check if
I have the getid3 package installed in the getid3 subdirectory of my system directory? Please advise.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I have the JR4 conversion server and my "getid3" option is set to yes on my media settings. The files are obviously not converting. How do I check if
I have the getid3 package installed in the getid3 subdirectory of my system directory? Please advise.

What does your conversion server status show? And are you converting files in the quota?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
Where do I specifically go to check the conversion server status? Yes the artist is in the specific quota that includes .wav files.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Where do I specifically go to check the conversion server status? Yes the artist is in the specific quota that includes .wav files.

I don't have a copy of the JR4 Cluster Server installed, but you should see a "servers" tab in your admin control panel. Inside you should be able to check the connectivity and check out the server health.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
When I go to "View Server Check" everything has a green check mark. Specifically, Conversion server has a green check mark and says "Conversion Server is installed" and Cluster Server says, "4.2.4 - Update checking has been disabled in your System Config".
11 years ago
10,149 posts
When I go to "View Server Check" everything has a green check mark. Specifically, Conversion server has a green check mark and says "Conversion Server is installed" and Cluster Server says, "4.2.4 - Update checking has been disabled in your System Config".

That's the server check - that is not the right area. In your admin menu on the back end there should be a "servers" section where you can actually go in and check if the server is working. The server check just shows you that the SOFTWARE is installed (and you're actually out of date too - the last version of JR4 was 4.3.1).

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
I am in "Admin Options" and I see seven options: 1. System Config, 2. System Tools, 3.Admin Browser, 4. Activity Log, 5. Php Error Log, 6. Dashboard, 7. Server Check.

On the "Admin Menu" I see 1."Admin Menu, 2. Cluster Admin,3. Articles, 4.Users, 5.Admin Blog, 6. Admin Radio and 7. Admin TV

Where precisely do I go to check if the server is working?
11 years ago
2,804 posts
Go to the Cluster Admin and see if there are any errors being reported, you should see an error log button near the top.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
29 posts
I am in Cluster Admin and I went to "modify server", then I saw "Choose Server" where it says "Cluster- (0 profiles) [Converter]", when I select that, on "Options" when I click "Check Server Status" it says "All Tests were run successfully - your Cluster Server appears to be in working order!"
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Then the last place to check is in you Quota config, make sure you have enabled Conversions for ALL your quotas.

An just to repeat - if this was previously working for you, but just stopped, you need to find out what changes were put on your server by your hosting provider.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
29 posts
The problem has been resolved. I turned on the hi-fi conversion for all quotas and everything works fine now. Thank you.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
The problem has been resolved. I turned on the hi-fi conversion for all quotas and everything works fine now. Thank you.

Glad to hear that ;)


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
