solved JrEmbed and Events

11 years ago
865 posts
Hey Guys

Just checking is it by design that not all embeddable items don't display correctly in events?

IE try and embed a youtube video, playlist, audio file etc in an event and it just outputs the tag code.


updated by @garymoncrieff: 11/16/14 03:57:26AM
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Just embeded a poll into an event. It worked as expected.

Make sure the profile that created the event has the "Convert Embed Tags" checked under Active Text Formatters at:
11 years ago
865 posts
Hi Michael

Thanks for the reply, yes these Convert Embed Tags are checked for the admin profile.

I don't own polls yet so cant test that but see what happens when I try to embed a playlist or an audio file.
Jamroom Embed

I am probably missing something obvious.

11 years ago
346 posts
I was going through the same situation a few months ago getting just the Tag code..i forgot what it was that I did to get it to work..but I believe it was a conflict with some thing custom I had done to my template
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Good point @boplive. Gary, can you check to see if the same thing happens when its on one of the default skins. Elastic perhaps.

Another thing to check is that the "Convert Embed Tags" are allowed for Dazzy's quota. Thats what it looks like. I'll check here to see if i can reproduce it.
11 years ago
7,791 posts
If your using a custom template, make sure the modifiers on the output are the same as the latest in in the item_details.tpl of the module its for.

eg, for the blog details page, the modifiers look like this:
That will allow the text formatters to work.

Here is a video about turning on the modifiers for each quota.
Forums Question: Embed tags not converting
11 years ago
865 posts
My template started by cloned Media Pro, and switching back to this, lucid, or elastic results in the same. Also download Nova which I never previously had installed and same result.

As you can see above Dazzy is pat of the admin quota and that quota has convert tags enabled.

I will check the other stuff later when I have more time.

It works fine in blogs but not in events. as stated, so maybe that module needs to be updated?
updated by @garymoncrieff: 10/08/14 11:46:16PM
11 years ago
7,791 posts
ah, sorry I thought you said it wasn't working in blogs trying to embed events. I'll check again.
11 years ago
7,791 posts
I've just updated the jrEvents module in the marketplace to the latest code version 1.0.4.

Update your system and the issue should be fixed.

If its not immediately, run the integrity check and clear the caches.

11 years ago
865 posts
Thanks Michael that has fixed it.
