" " in user names

11 years ago
45 posts
Maybe you can have some sugestions regarding this "small" issue!
There was a member who chose his name to be something like Abcd - "EFG" , in Cyrillic letters. Due to these " " the gallery failed as it could not follow the whole url. It should have been http:/ /www dot mysite dot com /Abcd - "EFG"/gallery ... but it just trying to load http:/ /www dot mysite dot com /Abcd - , without "EFG"/gallery .So the result was a Not found page, even if in the gallery the small pictures appeared accordingly. I corrected the name of user by eliminating "" from name, Abcd - "EFG" became Abcd EFG and the url loaded correctly and all is fine now! But I do not understand why after clicking on Follow, appeared in Timeline :
.. is now following @%D0%B4%D1%83%D1%8D%D1%82-%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%B0 instead of
.. is now following @Abcd-EFG !!

And also, do you think that it would be possible for me to remove the @ from the names, without doing any harm to Jamroom functionality,as it messing up posts on twitter, in this case, probably twitter will assign the post to someone else named @Abcd from twitter, giving a link to their profile, and not to @Abcd EFG from my site!

updated by @musicianband: 11/07/14 02:55:59PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
The Image Gallery should handle all image URLs properly - do you have a link to a page where you see it not working?

As for @ signs - they are used internally by Jamroom's link scanner, so if you remove those then the linking to profiles will no longer work if someone enters a profile name.

However that is something I can check out from the OneAll module - is that how you are sharing to Twitter?

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
45 posts
Unfortunately, I can not figure out what causes this error: "jrOneAll error 400 sharing to twitter: Your request could not be processed due to an error", so until then I will just be using twiterfeed. I would appreciate any help!
About jrGallery, I don't really know what caused the problem, but I just thought that if I would remove the "" from the name of the user, everything will be fine, because those "" get in the code. And so I did and it worked. Also I have an error related to jrGallery, which may be of use in finding source of the problem, but I have to recognize that I'm not really sure, as I'm not as much a coder:

PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 19 in .../public_html/modules/jrGallery-release-1.2.16/profile.php on line 96 [x 1]


Undefined offset: 0 in .../public_html/modules/jrGallery-release-1.2.1/profile.php on line 95 [x 2]

Thank you for your time,

updated by @musicianband: 10/04/14 06:25:09PM
11 years ago
7,793 posts
This notices are just notices. What we need is for you to describe a way for us to setup the problem.

Then we can fix it. Spaces in names should be no issue.

I'll try to recreate your setup and see if I can reproduce the issue.
updated by @michael: 10/04/14 09:14:07PM
11 years ago
7,793 posts
I created a username:
mike - "日本語"
and added a gallery.

I could not see the issue you are talking about. Can you provide more instructions please.
11 years ago
7,793 posts
Actually, I can see what your saying. If the username contains " then things get screwed up.

If the username is:
дуэт - "гамма"

Then those " screw up the html for the links because they are not escaped.
<div class="action_item_media" onclick="jrCore_window_location('http://site.com/дуэт---"гамма"/gallery/30/new-gallery')">

I think the proper course of action is to not allow " as a character in a username. Or maybe to strip out " from the url.
11 years ago
45 posts
Thank You very much! But I kindly ask, can you give me an idea where to look in the code in order to make necessary alteration to disallow double primes from user names, or how to strip them?

11 years ago
7,793 posts
I'm trying to sort that out now. Hold on, it will be in a future release.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
This will be fixed in the next Core release.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
45 posts
Sorry I could not answer faster!
Thank you very much for your time and support!
