- where to place the tracking code?

11 years ago
82 posts

I have a little question regarding my website at

I would like people signup. Therefore I have made some banners that I would like to be shown on other websites. I have signed up at - they have a partnerprogram where I can pay everytime someone/a new lead sign up on my site.

I have this tracking code and I have to put it on my websites receipt-site. I believe that the receipt-site is the one that you come to after clicking the confirmaition-link in the auto-send email after a signup? Where can I place this code so that its on the receipt-site?

 <img src="" width=1 height=1> 

The "VARIABEL" has to be changed so that the users email is in there. What code can I put in there instead of "VARIABEL"?

Let me know if you can help. I have also send a mail to PartnerAds regarding this, but I don´t think they know JamRoom?

Thanks for helping :)

updated by @torbenj: 10/15/14 03:12:13PM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
The first page a user sees after they register is their profile page, so maybe put the code in the profile_header.tpl or profile_footer.tpl template. The image will be tiny, 1 pixel square, so will not be intrusive wherever it goes, so put in template code like this -
{if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_profile_id == $_user._profile_id}
    <img src="{$_user.user_email}" width=1 height=1>

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 09/09/14 10:32:04AM
11 years ago
82 posts

Thanks a lot!

I have now pastet that code into the profile_header.tpl right after
 {jrCore_include template="header.tpl"} 

I hope that makes sense? Or can I just paste it in the very beginning?

Let me know before I let ParterAds test it...

Thanks! :)
11 years ago
4,335 posts
That should be ok.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
82 posts
Super, thanks :)
11 years ago
82 posts
Hi again,

PartnerAds has now been running a test for my site so that they can see if the trackingcode works. I have made a test signup on my site, but PartnerAds don´t see anything on their system..?

Should I paste the code somewhere else - or where could the issue be?

As i sayed I ahve pastet the code right after
 {jrCore_include template="header.tpl"} 
in the profile_header.tpl

Let me know...

Thanks :)
11 years ago
82 posts
Uhh, my fault..! I´ve forgot to activate the profile_header-tpl.

We´ll run a new test, and I´ll be back :)

updated by @torbenj: 09/10/14 02:53:56AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
That'll be because they are not logged in as you!!
Take the {if} statements out for now so they can see the image. You'll probably need to temporarily put in an absolute email address as well for their testing.
Once they are happy with it, put it back as it is now.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
82 posts
Hi Paul,

We´ll try again with the profile_header.tpl activated.

I´ll get back to you if it doesn´t work :)
updated by @torbenj: 09/10/14 03:03:14AM
