I have a little question regarding my website at http://find-et-band.dk
I would like people signup. Therefore I have made some banners that I would like to be shown on other websites. I have signed up at http://partner-ads.com/ - they have a partnerprogram where I can pay everytime someone/a new lead sign up on my site.
I have this tracking code and I have to put it on my websites receipt-site. I believe that the receipt-site is the one that you come to after clicking the confirmaition-link in the auto-send email after a signup? Where can I place this code so that its on the receipt-site?
<img src="http://www.partner-ads.com/dk/leadtrack.php?programid=4332&type=lead&uiv=VARIABEL" width=1 height=1>
The "VARIABEL" has to be changed so that the users email is in there. What code can I put in there instead of "VARIABEL"?
Let me know if you can help. I have also send a mail to PartnerAds regarding this, but I don´t think they know JamRoom?
Thanks for helping
updated by @torbenj: 10/15/14 03:12:13PM