PayPal at Market place

11 years ago
5 posts
Hello Brian, is there no paypal payment for purchases at the Jamroom marketplace. ? Preferred to this manual credit card system. Am straying to make a purchase and it keep rejecting my cvc. Please add paypal so one can purchase easily
updated by @morgeez: 09/16/14 03:30:02PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
PayPal is accepted - you will just need to purchase the modules/skins online here - i.e. click on the add to cart for a marketplace item and check out here.

PayPal is _not_ support from within the Marketplace module (it uses Stripe) mainly because PayPal has no way of doing what we needed it to do.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
5 posts
Thank you sir!!!
