solved Subpages in Custom Aparna Modules?

11 years ago
81 posts
The new version of Aparna is fantastic! I've been looking through for any documentation on how to handle 'sub-pages' using Aparna, and can't find anything...


1. Created a new module called "News", and the url is
2. Created a news_category field in the form designer, and use search1="news_category = Local News" = World News, etc. to group displays on the Jamroom\modules\dnNews\templates\index.tpl

Now, I would like to create sub pages of News, but not sure how to proceed here? In other words, I would like users to be able to click a link for "Local News" and see only Local News stories, with perhaps a URL like using a template like

Local News
{jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true search1="news_category = Local News"}

How do we do this with an Aparna created module?

updated by @elric: 09/21/14 10:23:39AM
11 years ago
7,790 posts
an Aprana created module is the same as a module created from scratch. You can download it to your IDE and build upon it as if you'd created the whole thing.

Take a look in your other modules in the index.php file for functions called view_(module name)_default() for examples.

If you have it, the jrFeed module is a good structure.

function view_jrFeed_default($_post, $_user, $_conf)
{ // do a search for whatever your wanting, perhaps the news category //send those items out to a custom template return jrCore_parse_template('rss.tpl', $_rt, '(your module name here)'); }

So then you can do all your processing in php for whatever you want out to the template.

Another way to do it would be in the index.tpl file for your module. you can put in a {debug} to see what variable returns 'local' and pass that in to your list function:

{jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true search1="news_category = $option"}

or perhaps a check first:
{if strlen($option) > 2}
{jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true search1="news_category = $option"}
{jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true}

thats a couple of different ways to do it. There might be others but those are the first that spring to mind.
11 years ago
81 posts

function view_jrFeed_default($_post, $_user, $_conf)
{ // do a search for whatever your wanting, perhaps the news category //send those items out to a custom template return jrCore_parse_template('rss.tpl', $_rt, '(your module name here)'); }

So then you can do all your processing in php for whatever you want out to the template.

Yup, I have that module, and the URL for my custom module is currently

I have a custom list template setup for that:

    <div class="block_content">
<h2 class="news_category_title">Local News</h2>
        {jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true  search1="news_category = Local News"}

    <div class="block_content">
<h2 class="news_category_title">U.S. News</h2>
        {jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true  search1="news_category = U.S. News"}

    <div class="block_content">
<h2 class="news_category_title">World News</h2>
        {jrCore_list module="dnNews" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p pager=true  search1="news_category = World News"}

This shows 10 most recent stories in each category. I then have a list template for each category: Local News, U.S. News, World News that only shows relevant content. What I'm trying to do is figure out how to set the url for those sub categories - something along the lines of: News News News

Perhaps I'm looking at the problem from the wrong solution?
11 years ago
81 posts
In other words, how do I navigate to custom sub template of a module?
11 years ago
7,790 posts
Here's a video:
Handling sub-urls for modules created via aprana

Video added to the docs:

updated by @michael: 08/11/14 10:59:28PM
11 years ago
81 posts
You, sir, are a ninja. THANK YOU. Wish you were local, I would buy the first round of Single Malt.

11 years ago
7,790 posts
I would enjoy that. :)
11 years ago
81 posts
As would I! Highland or Islay?
11 years ago
81 posts
BOTH! This works brilliantly, Michael. You're the bee's knees. Marked this as solved!

11 years ago
7,790 posts
Not that I'm much of a connoisseur but I like these two:
"The Glenlivet 12year"

"Wild Turkey 8 year"

And if money wasn't an issue then I'd drink more of:

"The Macallan 12 year"
11 years ago
2,800 posts

YUM! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
81 posts
Macallan! I'm a big fan... ;-) 18 if I can find it!!!
