I'd really love a quicker way to process bounces between Mailgun and the stock newsletter campaign program in Jamroom.
Last email newsletter (over 14,000) I have about 325 bounces. Most of them are of the "account does not exist" type.
For simplicity sake, I just go through my system and search for the email in user accounts, then copy the profile name, then go to the profile tools, search for the profile, then delete.
So I guess the question is, can your Mailgun module pull the list of bounces from their system, then make a feature in the newsletter module to bulk delete the bounced accounts based on the email?
I would really love this, not sure how many are in the same boat as me, but chime in here if you think this would be a good feature for site admins.
Peace out!
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 10/03/14 04:52:11AM