solved Google Ads No longer Working on Media Pro light skin after Jamroom Upgrade from 5.2.5

10 years ago
57 posts
Hello Everyone.. After I upgrade the core from Jamroom 5.2.5 to 5.2.6 Google adds stop showing. It only shows the default adds from jamroom. I also upgraded the media pro skin to the latest version same error. Upgraded Jamroom to 5.2.7 still no fix.

I tried on other templates and the google adds works fine.
Was anything changed that affected the media pro template?. Run integraty check, clear catches.. same issue.. Could you please help?
Thank Yo9u
updated by @luis890: 08/27/14 08:14:13AM
10 years ago
2,793 posts

Make sure your skin settings are still set to use Google Ads.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
94 posts
Thanks for your reply Douglas.. Before posting on here I made sure that all that was checked. Nothing was changed.. As I stated it only happened after I upgraded jamroom to 5.2.6.

What ever I do, the google adds will not appear. It only shows the default jamroom Adds..

This is the code what i have:

{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
{jrCore_include template="Add_Header_720_90.tpl"}
{jrCore_include template="Signup_banner.tpl"}
Adds Code:

{if $_conf.jrMediaProLight_ads_off != 'on'}

{if isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_google_ads) && $_conf.jrMediaProLight_google_ads == 'on'}

{elseif isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_side_ad) && strlen($_conf.jrMediaProLight_side_ad) > 0}


10 years ago
7,748 posts
Not sure what you mean by "Adds Code"
{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
{jrCore_include template="Add_Header_720_90.tpl"}
{jrCore_include template="Signup_banner.tpl"}

Reads: "If the user is logged in show the template Add_Header_720_90.tpl otherwise show the template Signup_banner.tpl"
10 years ago
94 posts
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding
The below code is in the Add_Header_720_90.tpl

{if $_conf.jrMediaProLight_ads_off != 'on'}
{* *}
{if isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_google_ads) && $_conf.jrMediaProLight_google_ads == 'on'}

{elseif isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_side_ad) && strlen($_conf.jrMediaProLight_side_ad) > 0}


{* *}

Some how .. it is bypassing the google code and going straight to the else stament.
10 years ago
7,748 posts
The first step would seam to be, find out what is in those variables:

$_conf.jrMediaProLight_ads_off : {$_conf.jrMediaProLight_ads_off} <br>
$_conf.jrMediaProLight_google_ads: {$_conf.jrMediaProLight_google_ads} <br> 
$_conf.jrMediaProLight_side_ad: {$_conf.jrMediaProLight_side_ad} <br>

Put that in at the top of that file and you will see what your values are. Or a {debug} in there, that would work too.

Once you know the values of the variables, it should be easy to see why things get to where they do.

Documentation page for debug:

updated by @michael: 07/26/14 04:48:21PM
10 years ago
94 posts
Thanks.. it got fixed...
