closed custom signup using email address only

11 years ago
346 posts
Hi Paul,

At some point you build for a website a jr4 custom feature that was a signup page or location on a homepage which only allow you to add your email address only at that moment with a password when signing up to create a membership profile on the site...then a new member can always go back and add there username and any other info.l believe the negative thing about this signup feature which you mentioned was...getting lots of spam ..something like that..its been a long time. What are the chances this email address and password only is needed for verification at signup... can it be doable in jr5..
let me know
updated by @boplive: 08/11/14 07:43:25AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Ed
I do recall doing something like that for a couple of JR4 users, with the proviso that it might be subject to bots easily signing up.
I think it could be done fairly easily with JR5 using a custom 'listener' module to create a username from the submitted email address.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
346 posts
Is that something that you can do and add it to the marketplace or something that can be added to the jrcore for a down the road suggested feature
11 years ago
4,335 posts
I don't think its something that we'll be adding to the core for the above reason that it makes it too easy for bots to sign up.
But if its something that you do want, shoot me an email at paul [at] motagator [dot] net. As I said, it should be pretty simple to implement with a custom module.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Just to add that the main reason we want to get a username is that it is used for the user's profile URL, and gives them a chance to have a meaningful one. If you go with just an email, the resulting URL derived from just the email address is likely going to be longer and not what the user would want.

99.9% of internet users understand what a user/profile name is (both twitter and facebook use them) so if you're wanting to hide it because you feel it is confusing to users, then I would not worry (but of course that's my 2 cents).

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
346 posts
Hi there Brian,

I Still want to put the user/profile name in use,,,I really do not want to eliminate it or hide it.
I totally agree with what you said.

My thing is that here in New York we have many parades and events during the summer
So my idea was how do I get people to join my site at these events and whats the quickest way to just get them to sign up.

So if i have my wifi on and I carry my ipad I can approach someone and greet them , mention my site and show them how they can signup as a member in just 1,2,3 and they can go on with what they are doing the event or parade.
Then when they create a membership with there email they can always go back and add the user name to there profile.
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Still going to need something custom.
Maybe a module that listens for the email, creates an account with the first bit of the email (the pre @ bit, adding numbers to it if an account already exists (boplive21, say)) and a randomly generated password, emailing the new user with the logins and advice that the password can be changed etc.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
