Setting up website, got new solo package,couple queries about editing the home page

11 years ago
9 posts
Just setting up new site using solo artist package+you tube module.have loaded videos into you-tube video section.The video thumbnail appear on home page,but blank inside boxes.How do you get them working?
Also there is a recent video section on home page,(where u can clik)-should there be a video here on home page? its also blank?
Finally,how do you put a photo as wallpaper on the home page,want to keep the black screen,but overlay a photo or photos in opaque-transparent?
Can give navigate me! to these settings,as I'm new to all this!!
Must just say this software looks great,and look forward to learning it....thanx guys. nelly
updated by @nellyslideguitar: 06/14/14 06:40:18PM
11 years ago
7,790 posts
photo wall paper could be done in a couple of ways.

One way might be the jrProfileTweaks module:

Another way would be by chaning the CSS file for the skin to use a different image for the background.

the "Overlay photos in opaque-transparent" sounds like the way the jrGallery module works to display images in a lightbox.

"Image Galleries"

demo of the gallery on the solo skin. (click the main image)
11 years ago
2,800 posts
The SoloArtist skin was not setup for YouTube videos on the home page, the latest video section on the home page is for uploaded videos, not YouTube videos... if you want YouTube videos to show there, you'll want to modify the skins/jrSoloArtist/index.tpl and change that section to list YouTube videos instead.

I would suspect what your seeing is the timeline on the home page that is showing you've added a YouTube video(s), it is not the actual video... there is a YouTube page however in the Videos dropdown main nav menu that will list all the YouTube videos you've created.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
9 posts
thanx for your reply!!Can you tell me how and where i change the css no money at mo for other modules , gotta buy cart bundle in morn,tried earlier ,not enough funds in bank!! I see what you mean bout you tube -it was the timeline, been a long day got bit confused!!!
The video thang i asked about,was the recent videos section(can i upload recent vids on solo bundle ? if so how ,and where is it done.please can you navigate me e.g. system-picture-file-folder type thang.bit green to all this,taken me weeks to launch this site,Had nightmare with server and jamroom warez.keen to get site up and working properly. yours excitedly Nelly
11 years ago
7,790 posts
nellyslideguitar:Can you tell me how and where i change the css settings.
They are alterable in 2 locations. (choose which one you're comfortable editing):
* via the 'Style' tab on your skin in the ACP (
* via the .css files in the skin. edited then uploaded via FTP( /skins/jrSoloArtis/css/*.css)

nellyslideguitar:can i upload recent vids on solo bundle ? if so how ,and where is it done.
Yes. The solo skin requires you to set the profile id of a single profile to be used on the main page. Upload videos to that profile and they will appear on the main page.
eg: for the demo the upload page would be

nellyslideguitar:please can you navigate me e.g. system-picture-file-folder type thang.

You are using the 'SoloArtist' skin. That skin is a bit special because it takes a system (Jamroom) that is built on the concept of a community and reduces that to just a single profile.

That doesn't change the way jamroom works. At its core, jamroom is a community system so even though you are using it to display only one artist, the system is still the same. "Everything you add, you add to your profile."

So just figure out which profile is the main one you are using and upload to that.
11 years ago
9 posts
just about got the site up,bought the cart bundle earlier, we've loaded the tracks in,how do you change/set the clip length,in audio player(at moment its 5 secs),and how do you put buy now button beside album section,and also in front page by audio player???
11 years ago
9 posts
got the foxycart bundle,the single tracks are up,we've got then saved an album.the individual track are there for sale(paypal module) how do we bundle tracks to sell as an album...been trying for 6 hours! can anyone help please.
11 years ago
7,790 posts
Probably best to ask one question per thread. It makes it easier to answer and also easier to find answers later on when you are using the 'search' system.
11 years ago
7,790 posts
nellyslideguitar:how do you change/set the clip length,in audio player(at moment its 5 secs)

Here are some related topics:
"Stream Lenght"

"How do i set the stream time"

"audio plays full length"

If none of those help you with your situation, feel free to open a new thread.
11 years ago
7,790 posts
nellyslideguitar:how do you put buy now button beside album section

"paypal buy me button"

"Paypal module buy now button"

"buy now buttons"

And if there is nothing that relates to your situation, feel free to open a new thread.
11 years ago
9 posts
Really sorry to go on,thanx for all help and time...been really hard trying set up website (taken weeks) been at it for 4 days trying to configure the jamroom modules.We've spent hours looking in you tube,inside foxycart and jamroom for instuctions!....but nowhere can we find how to set-up/edit cart !!!

Do we have to group tracks (make a bundle),in Foxybundle, so people can buy whole album,instead of seperate track (though this is great, having the option). If so, hows it done,and where? then sites up and running .,so excited !!
11 years ago
7,790 posts
No problem answering any of your questions @nellyslideguitar It just really helps everyone who comes looking later if you can put them each in a thread.

a thread titled "How do we customize the look of the foxycart cart?"

Is much easier to find later when searching, than at the bottom of "Setting up website, got new solo package,couple queries about editing the home page".

"Customizing Your FoxyCart Checkout and Receipt Pages"
updated by @michael: 05/14/14 09:36:42PM
11 years ago
7,790 posts
As for selling a whole album it should be simple with foxycart.

* Upload an album
* add a price per track.
* add a price for the whole album

The user can then purchase each track individually or the full album from the album page.

Here is a video on the process:

"Sell an Album"
Sell an album
