mailinglist question

11 years ago
106 posts
I have small question or request the mailinglist is it possible to automate an mail like once a week or month to email all members with like updates like latest music uploaded, blogs posted, forum posts etc in bulk mail so they can check out the updates.
updated by @perfectgamestudios: 05/29/14 07:08:27AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I have small question or request the mailinglist is it possible to automate an mail like once a week or month to email all members with like updates like latest music uploaded, blogs posted, forum posts etc in bulk mail so they can check out the updates.

You'd want to post this into the Suggestions forum.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
4,335 posts
How do our weekly updates go out?
Is it a module that could be adapted/made available?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
11 years ago
10,149 posts
How do our weekly updates go out?
Is it a module that could be adapted/made available?

They are a custom part of the marketplace backend, so a new module would need to be created. This feature is called a "drip campaign" and it's something I've wanted to add to the newsletter, but it's just not been done yet.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
106 posts
ah thanks for the heads up is there any specific email functions in jamroom I should be using as was thinking running loop threw different parts of modules I want include updates for
11 years ago
7,788 posts
Off the top of my head. You could put a listener

"Events and Listeners"

in for the modules you want to keep an eye on. Listen for the update of them and when they are updated, add that item to your modules datastore.

There is another event 'daily_maintenance'
Quote: 'daily_maintenance', 'Fired once a day after midnight server time')

Listen for that event and check if its been 7 days since the last mail got sent out (or whatever time interval you want).

When the time interval is up, get all the latest stuff out of your modules datastore and send the email.
11 years ago
10,149 posts
The one on JR here is a custom module that runs off the daily_maintenance listener, like Michael has outlined.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
106 posts
ah thanks I will work on that once I off work
