solved Adding Language

11 years ago
8 posts

jr's default language is english. i want to translate another language jr. i want to use english and my language. users will select english or another language.

how can i do it?

updated by @pispisikopat: 05/24/14 12:29:10PM
11 years ago
2,804 posts
There are a few skins that have multiple language files setup already, jrNova, jrMediaPro and jrMediaProLight. Each of these skins has a readme file that has instructions on setting up different languages for the skin.

Basically, you just translate the English language file, then you can add a link to your header or footer file, or wherever you want it, so users can select the language they would like to use.

The link would look something like this:

<a href="?set_user_language=xx-XX">Language</a>

Where xx is the language code and XX is the country code. So the English link would look like:

<a href="?set_user_language=en-US">English</a>

Also, after adding your translated language file, I believe the users account section will also allow them to choose a default language.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
8 posts

i created a language file at admin panel
it's copy of english language file and i'm translate to my language.

user's are have an two language options.
