Review of whats on the top page
On the top page of the Follow Me skin is the main focus of the site, the timeline. In a normal Jamroom installation everything is profile-centric, so each profile would have its timeline on their own profile.
Follow Me brings that posting location to the front of its design. With this skin, the timeline feed is given the main stage. It is the focus of the site.
Users can post a status update to their timeline directly from the front page of the site for everyone to see. The timeline on the front page of the site is a feed of everybodies timeline at the same time.
This is great for building a community around since the newest topics are always right at the top.
When a user posts to the main timeline it will also appear on their individual profile timeline on their profile too. So if you want to see JUST what one person has posted, view their profile.
Media URL Scanner
The Media Url Scanner module is an important one to have activated for this skin. It is what give you the display cards you can see in the activity timeline. It checks your entered text for any URL's and then tries to create a website card for that URL.
If you also have the Youtube , Soundcloud , Vimeo modules enabled, the Media Url Scanner module will turn those pasted URL's into the video or audio players directly on the timeline.