An important option to know about is the
Additional Search Fields as it allows you to include any extra fields that are stored in the datastore in the search results.
This is useful if you use the Form Designer to add additional fields to forms which you want to be checked for in search results.
The info for the Additional Search Fields is this:
Quote: If you would like to have additional DataStore fields available for search, enter the DataStore field name, one per line.
If you have created a custom User Profiles field via the Form Designer called "profile_location" you would enter profile_location on a line by itself to enable that field to be searched.
You may also include an optional weight value that will make the search field have more impact on the search results:
Would set the weight for the profile_location field to 10, which means a search match on that field would be 10 times more important than the default value of 1.