It is highly recommended that Jamroom4 sites are only imported to new, freshly installed Jamroom5 sites so as to avoid profile, user and item conflicts
As all Jamroom4 media files are copied to the Jamroom5 system, please ensure that you have enough disk space for them all..
In addition to the above, Jamroom5 converts media to MP3 and FLV formats, saving the original files. Also, if media files are 'for sale', sample files are generated. The upshot is that its difficult to assess how much Jamroom5 disk space is needed for the import so maybe best to initially have twice as much of the Jamroom4 site usage available.
The whole of the import process takes time, particularly when copying media files. One hour per 10 Gigabytes of data is not uncommon. Please be patient.
A good knowledge of both Jamroom4 and Jamroom5 systems is essential for understanding and using this module.
MOST IMPORTANT: Please be aware that Jamroom4 and Jamroom5 systems are completely different and not 100% compatible. Not all Jamroom4 item data may be imported or be immediately visible in the Jamroom5 system. jrImport will import Jamroom4 items to compatible Jamroom5 modules, not necessarily equivalent, eg. Channels and Stations are converted to Playlists. Not all Jamroom4 media files are used by Jamroom5, eg. Playlists have no associated image, so Jamroom4 Channel and Station images are lost. Also, Jamroom4 user images are not imported, but copied from the Jamroom5 Profile image.
Jamroom4 song and video items for sale as vault items will have their price set in Jamroom5, but be aware that the download file upon sale is the original media file, not the optionally uploaded Jamroom4 vault file.
Store, photo and event (tickets) Jamroom4 vault items are not imported. Other Jamroom4 vault items are imported to the jrFile module and sold from there (please ensure that jrFile is configured to accept the required file extensions).
No Jamroom4 sales history is imported.
No Jamroom4 activity or error logs are imported.