Why use Kickbox email validation?
This module is useful if you have imported a large number of users to your site from an existing site - for example - importing a large Ning2 site to a Jamroom site.
The Kickbox module will "validate" email addresses by actually checking if the email address is "alive and accepting email".
We know that Ning does not provide any type of indication for email addresses that are no longer valid. So after an import to a new Jamroom site a large percentage of the emails registered in your system may no longer work. We want to avoid sending email to the invalid email addresses since it can get your site marked as a "spam" site.
For some cases just relying on
Mailgun to do the filtering, this has led to accounts being suspended for a short period of time
(since sending email to a large number of "bad" addresses is a common indication of a spammer).
The Kickbox module will validate email addresses on a daily basis - any email addresses that fail validation will be automatically "unsubscribed" from all system email.
You have the option to move the user to a different quota as if you like.
A Kickbox account is required, and is free - you can validate up to 100 email addresses to try it out, after that you pay about $5 per 500 addresses (last time we checked) - more if you're willing to pay for more: