Google Analytics

  • Overview

    The Google Analytics module is a simple method to add the Google Analytics provided tracking code to your site.

    The module requires you to have the Tracking ID from Google Analytics. When you enter that it will reveal the full code necessary for Google Analytics to start recording your sites access data.
  • Google Analytics module vs The code they provide

    This module exists to save you from having to make any template alterations in order to get Analytics to start recording data. You could put the code provided by Google Analytics into the templates of your current skin by yourself and skip using this module if you preferred, the result would be the same.
  • Global Config

    On the Global Config tab of the Google Analytics module you need to enter the details that match up with the account in the Google Analytics interface.
  • screenshot of the Google Analytics module's Global Config tab in the Jamroom ACP
  • Screenshot of the Google Analytics interface at
  • View the Stats at Google Analytics

    Login to your Google Analytics account to see the stats.
  • screenshot of the google analytics interface
