Item Ratings

  • screenshot of a single star rating added to each files item
  • Multiple Ratings per Item

    The jrRating module will handle multiple rating options per item.

    In the smarty template function that generates the stars, there is an optional 'index' field that defaults to '1', so if you do something like
    Arrangement: {jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" type="star" module="jrAudio" index="1" item_id=$item._item_id current=$item.audio_rating_1_average_count|default:0 votes=$item.audio_rating_1_count|default:0 }
    Lyrics: {jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" type="star" module="jrAudio" index="2" item_id=$item._item_id current=$item.audio_rating_2_average_count|default:0 votes=$item.audio_rating_2_count|default:0 }
    Hit Potential: {jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" type="star" module="jrAudio" index="3" item_id=$item._item_id current=$item.audio_rating_3_average_count|default:0 votes=$item.audio_rating_3_count|default:0 } 
  • you'll get 3 sets of rating stars that can represent different 'qualities' to rate. Also, just keep increasing the index value to get more stars!!
  • screenshot of the Quota Config tab on the jrRating module in the ACP
  • screenshot of a rating on the item details page of a vimeo video
  • Also see the {jrCore_list} function for more info on ordering by rating:
  • How do I use my HTML rating format type?

    A: Most skin templates by default use type="star". The global setting in the module is what will show if 'type' isn't set. You can edit the template(s) and either remove the 'type' parameter from the rating call, or change it to 'html'.

    {jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" type="html" module="jrBlog" index="1" item_id=$item._item_id current=$item.blog_rating_1_average_count|default:0 votes=$item.blog_rating_1_count|default:0}
  • or
    {jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" module="jrBlog" index="1" item_id=$item._item_id current=$item.blog_rating_1_average_count|default:0 votes=$item.blog_rating_1_count|default:0}
