Configure Apache to include the Profile Domains config
The next step is to update the Apache config for your domain so it will "Include" the configuration that is generated by the Profile Domains module. This step only needs to be done once.
We will use the Apache config for as an example.
1) - Log in to your server via SSH and go to the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory and find the Apache config file for your site - i.e. "" (use the name of YOUR config file on YOUR server)
2) Edit this file in your editor - i.e. "pico"
3) Add the following lines to the config file, right under the
ServerName directive:
IncludeOptional /jamroom_directory/data/media/0/0/apache_server_alias_*.conf
jamroom_directory with the ACTUAL DIRECTORY your Jamroom is located in. If your Jamroom is in /var/www it would be:
IncludeOptional /var/www/data/media/0/0/apache_server_alias_*.conf
4) Save the file
5) Restart Apache: