HowTo: List all events happening at a particular Venue

  • Overview

    This question was asked in the forums:

    Q: "Is there a way to get all the events happening in one Venue, listed under that venue instead of the artists profile."
    A: "Yes, that should be easy, create a page. Pass that page the venue name and use the jrCore_list call to list all events at that venue."
  • Create a page

    Add a page to your skin with any name you choose.

    (this will show up at the url)

    into that page, you will want to put a header and a footer and any other code you need to make the page match your skin:
    //.. header stuff here ..
    {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search1="event_location like `$`" pagebreak="10"}
    //.. footer stuff here ..
  • Then in your event listing profile page, update the template so there is an anchor around the event_location - i.e.
    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/venue_events?ss={$item.event_location|urlencode}">{$item.event_location}</a>
  • So then, then that is clicked on it will locate the venue_events.tpl file, pass in "ss" (search string) which is used as a search parameter in the jrCore_list call.

    That should work - just tweak it to suit your needs.
  • A newer method

    If you have the Site Builder system installed, you can drag-n-drop this same functionality via a widget.
