Home Profile
The last screenshot shows your Home Profile, this is where you can perform actions related to your account and learn about news from around the site.
The page shown in the screenshot is the
Dashboard. It is a collection of links to useful features and updates about what is happening from around the site.
The other locations shown for the profile are visible in the profile menu on the left. Other locations include
Hosting - If you want to use Jamroom Hosting, this is where you would create a server and edit and add to existing servers that you own.
Timeline - This is where you write status updates if you have something to say to users who follow you. You can navigate around the site and click the FOLLOW button on any profiles you think you might be interested in receiving status updates from. A status update may be updates to modules, new modules added, or any message that that profile chooses to send out. You can see an example of
The Jamroom Network's timeline here
Followers - Shows the people who have come to your profile and clicked the FOLLOW button. You can follow them back from this location or delete them from your followers.