I'm excited to announce that the Jamroom team is getting bigger!
Nate Riggins, who most of you know as "N8Flex", is now part of the Jamroom Team. Nate has been a Jamroom third party designer and developer for close to 10 years and has always been known for his fantastic Jamroom skin design.
We're super excited to have him on board - Nate's in depth knowledge of marketing, design and user experience is going to be instrumental in helping us take Jamroom to the next level. We also believe this is a big win for Nate's existing customers, as it now expands the level of support offered to those already running a N8Flex design.
All of Nate's existing skin designs are now part of the Jamroom Network - this means if you are currently a Jamroom Hosted or Premium user these skins are now FREE for you to install in your Jamroom!
We have some really exciting plans in store for Jamroom 5 and beyond, and having Nate on the team is going to help us get there in style
Welcome aboard Nate!
It's hard to explain the pride I feel joining this team. I've been a fan of the jamroom product since I discovered it 10 years ago. It's come a long way and the path ahead looks well lit. I am excited about the future of the product and the team.
Congrats Nate!
Hi Nate,
I always said you made the nicest looking skins and your skill set is undeniable. Now that you are part of the Jamroom team, your skins and products should always be in "lock-step" with changes to the platform. Support will be assured also, so this really inspires confidence. I see this as a "win win" situation - kudos!
Congratulations Nate! I agree there is an amazing future for JR. We are extremely happy with the product and the amazing support. Our site is growing at 60+ members a day and our hosted server with over 40k members and 200k images is responsive. PaintMyPhoto (pmp-art.com)
Thanks guys!
We're lucky to have you. The Jamroom Network team just got stronger.
This is a fantastic move! BIG congratulations to the whole Team, including now Nate! :D
Great to hear! He has some excellent modules and skins! True asset to the JR team.
This is GREAT NEWS!!
Wonderful news! Love your skins. Congrats to team Jamroom!
sounds like a great addition to the team, I always like what I saw and read from N8Flex.