We’ve been hard at work for the past month working on a bunch of exciting updates and changes to Jamroom Hosting - new features and options that will help you get the most out of your Jamroom Hosting Server:
New Server Plans and Prices
We’re excited to roll out 3 new server plans (4G, 8G and 12G) that offer a smaller server for those that have been looking to use Jamroom Hosting, but couldn’t afford the $49 per month for our entry level server, or didn’t have the need for the larger amount of disk space.
These 3 new servers sizes feature smaller size SSD disks (4 Gig, 8 Gig and 12 Gig) - and you can get started with Jamroom Hosting from only $19 per month! These 3 new servers have the same level of features that all other Jamroom Hosting servers enjoy - namely FREE modules and skins, daily backups and ticket support. The only difference is the lower price and small disk space.
We know there’s quite a few of you who have contacted us since we rolled out Jamroom Hosting looking for a lower priced plan - we’re excited to finally roll that out.
All Jamroom plans have been updated with a new plan name as well (i.e. the “old” 2G server is now the 48G server, etc.)
To get started with one of these new servers click on the big orange "Hosting" link on your Profile.
New 7 Day Free Trial for new Jamroom Hosting users
Have you wanted to check out Jamroom hosting but weren’t sure if it would work for you? We’re now offering a 7 day free trial of the new Jamroom 4G server so you can check it out. You can test out all the Jamroom features “for real” for 7 days.
All Server bandwidth is now UNLIMITED
We purchase bandwidth from our provider in bulk, and by far the majority of our hosting servers are under their bandwidth allocation in any given month. So we’ve decided to remove this “cap” all together - all servers now have unlimited bandwidth - within reason of course Our goal here is to make it be one less thing you have to think about or worry about. We will let you know if you’re using an INSANE amount of traffic and will work with you to make sure you’re accommodated.
One Click Server Upgrades - and Downgrades
Previously you had to contact us via Ticket to get your server “downsized” - our Hosting tools can now downsize your server for you as well - as long as your used disk space amount fits into the smaller plan. Our goal is to make sure you feel like you’re getting a great value for your Hosting - if you’re not using the power of your current plan, downgrading is easy. If you’re not sure - let us know - we can recommend the proper server size for your existing Jamroom work load.
New Email Delivery Log
One of the most frequent tickets that is opened for hosting is that a Jamroom site owner will have one of their users contact them and tell them they are not receiving email notifications from the Jamroom site. We now have an easy to browse Email Delivery Log (located in the Domain settings for the site you want to check out) - this lets you easily see any email errors or issues that might be happening when delivering email to your users.
Updated “Change Jamroom Admin Info” tool
You can now change the user name and/or password for ANY Jamroom Master Admin account in your Jamroom. Did you forget your master admin account password? You can easily set it now from within the Domain Settings section for the Domain you want to set the password for.
We’ve also spent time tweaking and updating a lot of functions to make them more robust and easier to use, so we hope that new AND existing Hosting customers will find the new updates as awesome as we do
If you have any questions about Jamroom Hosting, make sure and join us in our Jamroom User Forum:
and let us know how we can help.
The Jamroom Team
This is just wonderful.
I am particularly excited by the new Email Delivery Log! YES!!
I've already used it just now to test a notification function for one of my members who has had long running issues with getting his notifications. It shows the notifications are indeed going out correctly.
Previously, I had to go spelunking in my dark Mailgun caves looking for this info. Now it's real easy to get to and conduct tests with! Thank you!
I'm currently on the server plan I should be on, but I'm real impressed at your new plan range and selection- even the tightest budget could afford Jamroom hosting now.
You guys are totally ON point.
when my jamroom was installed on my server, they said their was an element missing and to ask my provider to adjust it for me....well as it stands....they cannot do this because i am at present on a shared server.
So, they gave the option to use a private server at about 25/month...however it will still not resolve the other issue to get my ssl cert and come up with the 300 for the premium package which i want....am running the trial now....
my question is...will this still be pointed to my domain somehow if i use your hosting plan? or will i need to transfer the domain to the new server? I just spent my last dime switching away from go daddy and am paid up for a year at my present server.
Better to ask questions in the forums, more chance they will get seen.
Your question. When you use Jamroom Hosting you get 2 domains. You will get one that is on ???.jamroomhosting.com that you can use while building your site, then when its ready you point your main domain's "Name Servers" to jamroom hosting and the site becomes visible on your main domain name.
Example, I have the domain apicos.com which is now live using Jamroom Hosting, but I also get the domain name apicoscom.jamroomhosting.com to use while building it if I already had something on apicos.com and I didn't want any downtime.
If you use Jamroom Hosting, you do not need the Premium package because it all comes with the hosting. SSL Cert is free on Jamroom Hosting.
You can keep your domain name at godaddy, but just don't use their hosting, their hosting is not great.