I have just finished setting up the brand new premium Photo Pro Jamroom 5 Skin in the Marketplace:
This new Photo Pro skin is designed for building a community centered around photography, artwork, or images - basically anywhere you want large images to be the center of your design and style. The Photo Pro skin features a clean design with an awesome image rotator, and has full integration with the Item Ratings module, Like It module, Item Tags module, and the BRAND NEW jrFlickr support module:
Make sure and check out the special price on the Photo Pro Bundle as well:
The Photo Pro includes the Image Gallery EXIF module , which can only be found in the bundle. We're also making the new Photo Pro skin and jrFlickr module available outside of the bundle - this lets existing sites easily integrate Flickr images into their site, and lets users that like the new Photo Pro design use it as a base for their own custom skin.
On another note, we're excited as this is the first non-music based skin we've ever made for Jamroom, and it really shows off the flexibility and power of Jamroom 5 to move beyond audio/video centered sites. We have more new ideas and features that are in the works (some that are not even media related) that will be coming out in the next few months, so make sure and stay tuned - we're just scratching the surface of the ideas we have for Jamroom 5
We hope you enjoy the new releases!