I know a lot of our customers have been asking for a detailed, step-by-step guide on running Jamroom on your own server or VPS (Virtual Private Server), and I have just wrapped up work on an in-depth guide to creating, configuring and running your own VPS server on DigitalOcean called:
High Performance Jamroom on DigitalOcean
This guide covers everything from signing up on DigitalOcean, to creating your VPS (called a 'Droplet"), to installing and configuring Apache, MySQL, PHP, email and more.
So please feel free to provide feedback via the comments on any page you might have questions about and I'll do my best to help, but please do not post questions about the guide in the Support Forum, as it is not something provided by the Jamroom Team or "officially" supported. The guide is geared towards intermediate to advanced users, as it does require understanding how to use SSH, etc. - make sure and checkout the intro for all the details:
Note that this guide is on my personal Jamroom page - it's not part of the mainline Jamroom documentation. Running your own server is really not in the realm of Jamroom, so it's more appropriate to be on my profile. With that said I'll do my best to respond to comments and questions, but it's not something that is "officially" supported by the Jamroom Team.
I hope you enjoy the guide!
- Brian
Thanks so much for this! I'll give it a run sometime this weekend.
How to upgrade droplets. I started out on the 512mb/20gb space and soon realized this would not be enough. I wanted to bump up to the 4gb/60gb disk plan.
The provided this article but they are missing a key component
Process goes more like this
When doing a resize not using the fast-resize tool you do not create the new live droplet until AFTER the existing one was destroyed, otherwise the old droplet will continue to be assigned the IP address. Please be sure you are using the procedure below.
1) make a snapshot (mine took about 3 minutes)
2) verify the snapshot (create/boot/destroy a test droplet of the desired size)
I created a new one just like the directions say and of course it has a different IP which will mess everything up. Once it came up i destroyed instantly. That told me my snapshot was good.
3) destroy your old droplet (this releases the IP)THIS is the missing step in their instructions.
4) create a droplet of the desired size using the snapshot as a starting image. This will almost always get the IP of the droplet just destroyed if done soon afterwards.
Yeah this is one area that Linode has a better setup than DigitalOcean - you can "resize" your VPS, then also "expand" your disk to bring in the new allotted disk space.
Let's hope DO makes this process easier - it's one area that certainly could be improved.
I just set this up today with ubuntu server 14.04 on my local dev machine that was running EHCP. It feels MUCH faster so far.
Thanks for outlining how to do it so well.