With our recent rollout of the new Jamroom.net website, we also have rolled out a new feature - something new for the first time in Jamroom's 10+ year history - premium subscriptions!
Right now we currently have 2 different subscriptions available , and both are being offered at an introductory price:
The "big difference" between the two different subscriptions is that the VIP Premium Support subscription gets you access to the 24 hour Support Tickets section - the Jamroom team will answer your tickets in 24 hours or less, which is our highest level of priority support. VIP Members do not get access to Support Tickets, but can still get help from the friendly User Forum.
Both subscriptions are currently priced $10 below their normal price while we get the ball rolling and include the following:
The whole subscription thing is new to us, so we anticipate adding and tweaking things as we see how it grows, and based on feedback from everyone. One thing we won't be doing is requiring a subscription for any development documentation or other items needed by all Jamroom users or developers - we want the subscriptions to be that "something extra" - not required, but who doesn't like having something extra?
Let us know if you have any questions about the new subscriptions, how we can make things better, or any feedback or suggestions - it's really appreciated
p.s. we want to personally send out a huge Thank You to @ilovehousemusic for being our very first subscriber! You Rock!
We just rolled out some spiffy new Premium Member badges that you'll now see on your profile if you're a subscriber - super cool
@Brian - hey that's pretty cool, thanks for the shout Brian! Loving the direction that Jamroom has taken. I can't imagine how much work is involved. Keep up the good work!
And what's the current price now?
Nancy Franklin
Designer at FullStop
Hi Nancy, there have been some changes to the pricing models since this was published in 2013, the current structure is here:
Big differences are: The VIP Member is gone, replaced with Jamroom Hosting where we run the servers for those that want a server setup for Jamroom. Premium still exists if you want private support but hosted somewhere else. The forums are still the main support channel for everyone who does not need it to be private.
Early Access doesn't exist anymore, but there is still the beta channel if you want to try out stuff thats still in development.
If you've got any questions the forum is the place that will get the fastest response times: