Category: Featured

Upgrading to Jamroom 6.1 Videos have gone

user image 2017-06-11
By: michael
Posted in: Featured
Upgrading to Jamroom 6.1 Videos have gone

Was trying to locate the source of an issue that came in in the tickets and it took me a while, so putting the solution out there for the community in case anyone else runs into it.

The issue was that after upgrading to Jamrom 6.1 all the videos would not show up where they were expected to.  The video player playlist was just blank where there should have been videos.

The solution is to use a new tool in the videos module:



What has happened is that going from Jamroom 6 to 6.1 the default video format has changed.  Previously the default was .flv and the fallback was .mp4.  From Jamroom 6.1 this has reversed.  So to make sure there is a video file in the default format to be played this new tool was added.

Posted in: Featured | 7 comments

What is the Timeline "Quick Share" Feature

user image 2017-06-04
By: michael
Posted in: Featured
What is the Timeline "Quick Share" Feature

Question came up in the forums recently "What is the Timeline 'Quick Share' Feature" and it seemed like it could do with a decent explanation.

When the Follow Me skin was created

Follow Me demo screenshot

its main purpose was to create a skin where the central focus was the timeline.

When you login to this skin, you are taken to the top page of the site where there is a communal timeline that everyone can use.


Since the focus of the skin is the timeline a new feature was added to improve the flow of the timeline for this skin.  That feature is the  Timeline Quick Share Feature .

Enable the Quick Share feature from the settings in the ACP.


Once that has been enabled, there will be some new buttons on the timeline section.  This will be the same for any skin, its not just limited to Follow Me.


Now in the Timeline status update area you will also see some extra buttons.  Click on these buttons to share either Photos , Audio or Video directly to the timeline while at the same time adding them to your profile.

Without the quickshare buttons, the flow to share something to the communal timeline on the FollowMe skin would be:

  • go to your profile
  • add a new Photos , Audio or Video
  • return to the communal timeline and share the url

Now that flow becomes

  • use the quick share button to add a new Photos , Audio or Video

and the rest is taken care of for you.

We think this feature will be really handy for sites that use their Timeline a lot. smile



Posted in: Featured | 2 comments

YouTube module moves to v3 API

user image 2015-05-08
By: michael
Posted in: Featured
YouTube module moves to v3 API

This is an announcemnet as much as it is a blog post.  YouTube/Google have change the way they allow Developers to access their data.

This has a big effect on the way the YouTube Support module works.  There would be no need to change the way the module works, except that YouTube have cancelled their v2 API so its starting to no longer work.

It does seam to work on occasion, but it will get worse and worse, so today the new version of the YouTube Support module has hit the marketplace.

This new version 1.2.0 uses the updated current v3 API provided by YouTube/Google.  However it does require registration in order to use it.

Steps to get the needed KEY can be found here:

If you are running the YouTube module and plan to upgrade, please follow the steps to get the newer version working.

Posted in: Featured | 0 comments