Forum Activity for @kish09

10/17/15 12:35:49PM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

please disregard, I got the licenses resent to me.
10/17/15 12:22:26PM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

I am looking at the 4.3.1 downloads and I am seeing that I would have to pay for the upgrade from 4.2.4? Is this correct?
10/08/15 03:30:20PM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

I have $50 for anyone who can upload 4.3.1 correctly so I can keep my custom skin and enter my new database info.
10/08/15 05:43:52AM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

Greetings Michael,

Thank you for your response. I am planning to upgrade tp JR5, however, since I have a custom skin, it will cost me some money to have the skin redesigned to fit JR5. I planned to do that in a few months.

All I need is to be able to enter my new database info since godaddy migrated servers. As you can see from my homepage address error notice (, it is a database address error.

If I upgrade to JR4.3.31, will my custom skin present a problem? Can I just get the config/php file from 4.3.31 and simply insert it into my 4.2.4 config folder?

Again, all I want to do is enter my new database address as my settings.php page is not allowing new database info to be saved.
10/07/15 08:14:05PM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

Please assist. Can you attach the config.php file? I will fill it out and upload it.
10/07/15 07:13:50AM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

In my config folder, there is no config.php file. only bad_words.cfg.php, bbcode.cfg.php, decoder.cfg.php, index.html, language.cfg.php, location.txt, settings.cfg.php, and smiley.cfg.php.

I looked at the settings.cfg.php file and did not see any entries for database info.

Please advise.
10/06/15 08:44:13PM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

Ok, the new zip file you sent, worked to give a page with a "modify settings" and "undo" button. See here:

However, when I enter the new info, filling out all the server info and leaving the bottom section where it says admin login and passwords blank, then I click "Modify Settings" I keep getting get this page: where it says "No Data Received" and "Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data. Reload this webpage. Press the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page."

Please advise.
10/06/15 02:20:04PM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

When I upload the settings.php file, I still get a page without the save button. See Here:

I am at my wit's end. All I want to do is change the MYSQL info, but there is no save button.
10/03/15 11:17:05AM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

I have unzipped it several times and reuploaded with the same result. The settings.php file size when extracted is 12.7kb. Is that the correct file size for settings.php?
10/03/15 09:43:14AM
29 posts

Emergency: Site Down Showing Database Error

Installation and Configuration

thanks for the quick reply brian. i have spoken to godaddy and their server migrated, but it is not down. they told me there is a new "database hostname" but there is nowhere on the settings.php page for me to enter "database hostname", just "database name" and "database username." In addition, there is still no button to save the entries. See here:

i am running jamroom 4.