@douglas I want to add just one menu, which contains my wowza server link, HLS (.m3u8), how do I do that? or I have to pay how much if mr.douglas help make?
on keroncong.tv
I have two accounts in the Jamroom, first, why is the license that I bought only get one skin, I can't get another module that I have already bought, for an account that is eric.dion@yahoo.com which is for ericdions@gmail.com, it doesn't exist problem,
then I just bought the youtube module, I have Reloaded Modules Or Skins, but it says I haven't paid yet
no body can help me... all of user NOT FOUND
The Page You Requested Was Not Found!
but if login as admin...user show up..chek this http://bandkamu.com/dhikiandreas