adding language strings
Design and Skin Customization
I made my own language file for my custom modules. In language directory i created two files named En-en.php and TR-tr.php (for Turkish language) and add the strings in those file so i can use them in templates.
Actually i made them for every modules i use. Than i find out that i could made it with cloning language strings from user accounts > tools section.
So if you want to add a line to language file you can do that but if there will be an update for that module/skin your modified language file will be left in the old directory. You can replace the file to the new directory but you must check the new language file in the new release's language directory if there is any changes, any additional lines.
And you need to make integrity check after modifying language files.
updated by @melih: 12/16/14 08:25:40AM