Forum Activity for @garymoncrieff

08/21/17 08:05:36AM
865 posts

New Module settings


Hey guys

I have raised this in the past but I thought I would bring it up again in light of this post

I still believe that having the same type of options that are available in the Issue tracker module, would be beneficial across all appropriate modules. ie

Allow Issue Tracker
can create trackers
can delete trackers

Which allow for anyone allowed quota to post on one issue tracker instance. It would allow site admins to create more unique sites in the sense that some would choose the default profile view for everything, but could also be configured to be site wide, with all users posting to a single instance of said modules.

These settings of course should not be enabled by default, as Jamroom is a profile centric system, but gives it another level of customisation. What other system could actually claim to come close to that?

I am confident that the profile centric nature puts some people off from using Jamroom, not sure how much work this would need across the respective modules, but it could be done one at a time.

updated by @garymoncrieff: 11/19/17 07:52:27AM
08/20/17 02:16:34AM
865 posts

Item ratings module configured "allowed to rate" but rating system doesn't work

Using Jamroom

Probably obvious but you do know that you can't rate items you have added?
updated by @garymoncrieff: 08/20/17 02:16:58AM
08/03/17 06:12:51AM
865 posts

my Premium Cometchat disappeared- related to SSL/https changes?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Strumelia and Zack for you feedback and info.

Sadly, I need the private chat, as that is how I manage a lot of the personal disputes that go on, on the site. And while I know I can make private chatrooms, the sad and very ugly nature of our political state, has rendered many of my members uber paranoid. So I will have to deal with cometchat or find a new chat..

Simple Chat has a private chat feature, although coming from Cometchat it may not seem obvious.

Click on the down arrow beside the room name at the top, then you will see Start a Chat with a User.

Just wondering Brian if there would be a way to make this more obvious? Maybe if you click on profile icon in chat, you get a context menu with options, rather than linking directly to profile?
07/21/17 05:38:56AM
865 posts

Form Designer - New Field Option


I know what your saying as it was one of the features I requested for the products module, but just thinking having this field type in the form designer, would open up aparna to create more advanced vertical modules, ie a recipe module, a listing module etc easier.
07/21/17 05:22:20AM
865 posts

Form Designer - New Field Option


Not showing for me in JAMROOM61BETA, must be in a private channel for you.
07/21/17 05:13:10AM
865 posts

Form Designer - New Field Option


I didn't know the new product module was available, will check it out now and get back to you.
07/21/17 02:46:30AM
865 posts

Form Designer - New Field Option


Hey Guys

I posted this way back before but it would also be great if we could a field type that would allow the front end user to add additional input fields, ie like this
7/6/2015 2:35:44 PM

Thoughts on all this?
updated by @garymoncrieff: 10/19/17 07:34:33PM
07/14/17 01:55:49AM
865 posts

Mobile version if my site has gone crazy

Using Jamroom

I would say that the best way would be to manually swap the colour codes rather than copying the css as Ningja and the newer skins are constructed in a slightly different way.
07/10/17 11:04:51PM
865 posts

Site Stats Code Error

Using Jamroom

Use the smarty text modifier to force first character capitalisation.