About using jamroom-4.1.9 - 4.1.9 skin packs and the old flash player modules
Installation and Configuration
Hi Friends - My site was deleted in 2013 -I am planing on uploading the Jr4 script that I have - 4.1.9 to remake my website exactly how it was before deletion - also with the N8flash player for the video's & audio's -
for purchasing products Jr4 payment system was taking a percentage of sales and then would payout the rest threw paypal micro payment - This time I would like to use the (Buy Now button ) so payment goes directly to the sellers -
I know I can modify the template, but I'm not sure if I would be able to use the Flash players ? N8flash
So Basically I would like it to look the same as last time but be able to import from the Jr5 market place ? How the artist page looks - photo section , events , merchandise , member search etc ...