Using MariaDB
Installation and Configuration
Hello Jamroom Team.
My webhosting has update my plan without warning me !
"Since March 23rd, 2017, we use MariaDB which is a very good alternative of MySQL, and does not change the user databases. In MariaDB, it is suggested to convert the MyISAM tables to the new Aria format, as this gives better crash resistance, and a little more speed."
Now, I have many errors with integrity check :
for exemple :
Query Error: Table storage engine 'MyISAM' does not support the create option 'TRANSACTIONAL=1'
In my database, I notice that all MyISam databases type have been converted to Aria.
InnoDB database type has not changed
Can jamroom work well with Aria databases type MariaDB ?
updated by @black-eagle: 06/26/17 06:10:14AM