Welcome to the Alpha Team
Hmm, how come no one is using
@jimmy? There's a plugin on another piece of software called "Insert Nick" which allows an admin to have a choice of putting the Nick in 3 places so the user can select the nick and it auto inserts into the editor.
The options are:
1. At the bottom of each persons post called "Insert
@Jimmy" which when clicked inserts the nick into the editor.
2. An @ in front the the name under the avatar (with a space between the @ and the name) which allows someone to click on the @ which inserts the Nick but still allows someone to click on the name which takes the person to the users profile.
3. A replacement of the name under the avatar which inserts the Nick only and does not link to the profile.
Also, if there's a user with some crazy name like Hazmarlambabar it would be insane to have to type that every time. Just clicking on the "insert @Hazmarlambabar" would be so much easier.
Thanks the warm welcome. Just make sure to offer me some pre-IPO stock if this party goes big time.