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so what are you thinking the module does for this one jimmy?
After we get it passed the module installs onto the same database as jamroom, what happens then.
Is the desired result that sendy can pickup info from the jamroom base to send out newsletters to them. if so how are you thinking the interface works? by quota? by search and checkbox?
is it just the admin user who can do the sending? (I think yes, its too powerful to give user access for spam reasons.)
1. Sends out a newsletter
2. Have to think about what exactly happens.
3. Yea, having the ability to list something in the newsletter. Let's say I want to kick out a list of the top blog articles. As long as the listing ability is available the newsletter really could send out any information from JR. The module could be simple and be sent to everyone or per quota if the newsletter is a premium feature just for paying members. Let me get back to you on the interface. There would obviously need to be an admin interface with title, quota, and the template for sending. Maybe some options to have multiple newsletter templates and send out whichever newsletter the admin wants ie - blog newsletter, video newsletter, events newsletter. Member side - the user would be able to subscribe to the newsletter, unsubscribe, subscribe to specific newsletters.
I think it's also important to have a visitor newsletter with a form somewhere on the site where non-members can signup. This would be the "general" newsletter. Great to "harvest" email address from people who are interested in the site but for whatever reason don't signup.
It would also be great to have some kind of click tracking from the newsletter. How many people actually open the newsletter? Tracking through a unique link in the newsletter and displayed as metrics in the admin panel for statistics on who is exactly reading the newsletter.
4. Admin only. Though, having the ability of other quotas being able to send it out to followers might be a good upsell to members who want to pay.
Let me think about it some more and I'll add more later.